Chapter 22: I Dont Understand

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• Hannah's POV •


Someone shook me, causing me to wake up from my beauty sleep. I knew that voice anywhere, it was Daniel.

"What" I mumbled still refusing to open my eyes.

"We...need to talk....about our relationship."

Uh oh..this can't be good.

I opened my eyes and sat up facing Daniel.

"I...i feel like you are still in love with Cameron. I feel like you still have feelings for him." he started.

"What? That's ridiculous." I denied.

"They way you guys were laughing yesterday at the beach.... I felt invisible. Did you even know I was there?"

I looked down. He was felt like Cam and I were the only ones in the world, like time had stopped.

"See I knew it."

"Did I say that out loud?"

He nodded, sadly.

" so sorry. I love you Daniel, only you. Can we please forget about this."

He glanced out the window.

Sadness filled his eyes.

I lifted his chin toward me.


He shook his head. "I-I'm sorry. I think we need to just take a break."

I let out a sigh.

"Ok...i understand."

My heart ached. We both stood up.

He looked at me in the eyes and said "I'll always love you Hannah."

"I'll always love you too, Daniel."

He pulled me into a hug. I can't believe I broke his heart.

Soon, we got ready. Cam texted me saying he's gonna come over so we can hang out. I haven't told him about the break up yet, and I'm planning to later.

I stripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower. The warm water soothed my skin, but it burned the scars on my wrist. I looked at my scars. I've always wanted a tattoo. Maybe I can get one today. I washed my hair and body, then shaved my legs. After that, I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes.

"Hey babe."

My eyes widened. I quickly turned around to face Cameron. He winked.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god. I thought that was a serial killer." I put my hand over my heart, being the dramatic person I am. "Don't scare me like that again. And get out, I have to get changed."

"Just change in front of me." he said smirking.

I gave him a biatch what look.

"Um no. Now shoo." I pushed him out of the room.

He chuckled "alright, alright, I'm leaving."

I rolled my eyes.

I ran to my closet and picked out a Vans t-shirt, black high waisted shorts, and for my shoes I decided on Galaxy Vans. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail, and added a cute bow from Forever21. Once I was satisfied with my look, I went downstairs.

"So what do you want to do today, baby girl."

A blush crept up my cheek.

I bit my lip.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now