Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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• Hannah's POV •

When I got home I stripped off all my clothes and hopped in the shower. After showering, I jumped into my bed and opened up Netflix. Running down the stairs to get snacks, I fell, clumsy me. I picked up some snacks and carefully walked back up the stairs with my precious food. I hopped into my bed once again, pulling the covers over my head, and layer there watching 'Pretty Little Liars'.

" Honey go to bed you have school tomorrow. " my mom said peeking through my door.

" Okay mom goodnight. I love you. "

" Love you too honey. "

With that I went to brush my teeth. After brushing I went over to my bed and pulled the blanket over me, making myself comfortable.

----10 Minutes Later------

I still couldn't sleep. All I could think of was Cameron. I was having flashbacks of our memories together.


" Cam!!! Cam!!! Come see this!!! " I yelled as I held a caterpillar in my hand.

I turned my head to see him running towards me.

' Oumphh '

He landed right on me.

" I'm so sorry Hannah are you ok? "

" Ya I'm okay. "

" Ok I wanna see the caterpillar. "

" Here, " I replied as I handed it to him.

~~~~ End Of Flashback~~~~~~

I sighed remembering how much I missed those days.

~~~~~ Another Flashback ~~~~~

" Hannah will you go out with me? "

My face was very shocked.

" Yes Cam! Yes! "

I jumped and hugged him, but he didn't hug back.... strange I thought.

" I'll be over at 7 to pick you up for ice cream? Is that ok? "

"Yes! Definitely!"

" K see ya then "

" Bye Cam "

----- That Night At 6:00------

"Omg! Cathy help me! I don't know what to wear I'm stressing out right now!! "

" Girl, calm your tits. It's just Cam! You've been friends since day 1. It's not like he's expecting you to wear something super fancy. It's just casual. I mean, ur going out for ice cream. "

" I know, but I still want to look presentable. "

" Fine, here put on these denim shorts, this crop top with a pineapple on it, and this red and black flannel. Tie it around your waist. " Cathy says as she's handing it to me.

" Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver. " I said running up to hug her.

" Hey, that's what friends do. Now go get ready. "

" I'm so excited " I squealed.

--- At 7 -----
' Ding Dong '
I ran down the stairs to open the door.

" Wow you look stunning. " Cameron said.

" You too " I blushed.

" Come on. "

We walked together hand in hand. I can't believe Cam is going to be my first boyfriend. Everybody in in 6th grade is already dating.

When we got there, we walked in and I got Oreo dippin dots, and Cam got cookie dough ice cream.

" Thanks Cam for the date " I said once we were done.

" No problem I had a fun time. "

" Me too. "

As we walked outside, I saw Nash and Carter. They were smirking. Nash and Carter both had something in their hands. I couldn't make out what it was.

As they came close to me, they both dumped something on my head. It was paint. Cameron was standing there laughing. I was confused.

" How could you guys so this?! "

" Cam never liked you! It was all a prank! " Yelled Nash.

I glanced over at Cam and he had a guilty face.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

He mouthed 'I'm sorry'

" How could you Cam! I thought you actually liked me. I guess I thought wrong. I hate you Cam! Never ever talk to me again."

I ran home crying.

That's when things started getting worse at school. They had taken a picture of me with paint and sent it to everybody at school. That's when they started bullying me.

------ End of Flashback ------

I woke up crying. It was just a flashback.
I sighed hoping things would be better at school tomorrow.

Thanks for reading. I'll do more updates sooner.

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