Chapter 25: Oh Shit

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You guys should listen to the song I tagged in this chapter. It's so good. Listen while u read it :)

• Cam's POV •



Damn can't a guy get some sleep. I checked the time.


I suddenly realized we had a Magcon show today.


"HANNAH WAKE UP!" I yelled.

Her eyes slowly opened.

"What is it Cam." she rubbed her eyes.



We ran to get ready.

• Hannah's POV •

I ran into the bathroom and threw on denim high waisted shorts, a crop top, and a nude colored knit cardigan. I slipped on my red vans. I didn't bother putting on any accessories or doing my hair. I put on some makeup, and headed out the door, down to the lobby.

Damn Cam looked hot. I have to admit. He had on a gray shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket.

"Okay Hannah stop checking Cam out and let's go." Bart said.

Everyone laughed.

Cam smirked causing me to blush. I don't know what's with boys and smirking.

Once Bart told us the plan, we walked to the limo.

Cam walked past me and whispered in my ear.

"You know you want this body." he whispered seductively.

I bit my lip.

It sent a chill down my spine.

- At The Show -

"WASSUP HAWAII YOU READY TO GET THIS SHOW STARTED!!!!" Taylor yelled into the mic.

The crowd roared with thousands of girls girls.

"Okay. First we will do a Q&A, then we'll do some dares, then at the end we have a special surprise for you all, alright?" Nash announced.

"WOOOOO." the crowd went.

"We'll all pick 2 people and they get to ask them a question. I'll go first. You in the black tank top, and you with the flower headband." Matt said.

"Will you go out with me?!!!!!" she yelled.

"Maybe." Matt said smirking.

The crowd screamed.

"Is there a certain feeling of being famous?" the second girl asked.

"Well. I feel like a regular 16 year old boy, but I feel like there's millions of fans supporting me at what I do, so its a great feeling." Matt replied.

We answered more questions, then we did some dares.

Nash was picking the fans.

"You in the blue sweater."

"This is for Cam. I dare you to kiss me." she said smirking.

"Sorry I already a have a girlfriend." he said putting his arm around me, kissing me on the lips.

"Ugh fine. Then I dare you to dump her." she challenged.

"No." Cam said.

"Why not."

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now