Chapter 31: Forgiving You

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• Hannah's POV •

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. Someone wrapped their arms around me.

"It's okay Hannah."

It was Daniel.

At that exact time I got a call from the police.


"Hello Ms Hannah Collins. I want to inform you that Cameron Dallas has been in a car accident. Please come to the hospital as soon as possible."

My heart stopped for a couple seconds.


They hung up and I basically poured.

"Who was that?"

"The police. T-they told me C-Cam got in a car accident. It's all my fault."

"Let's go!" he pulled me up.

I broke down crying. I loved him. He was very thing I've ever wanted.

We rushed to the hospital.

"Please wait while we check Cameron." the nurse said.


Daniel put his arm around my shoulder.

We waited for hours. I fell asleep on Daniel.

He shook me awake and noted me that we can go see Cam now.

"So doc is he in a coma?" I asked.

"Nope he's perfectly awake."

I walked in and locked eyes with the brown eyed boy I fell in love with in the beginning.

I ran over and pulled him into a hug. I never wanted to let go.

"Thank the lord you're okay Cameron. That could've killed you! How could you go driving at a time like that?" I rambled.

"I'm sorry Hannah."

"Just don't do it again."

He nodded.

Daniel walked over awkwardly. He hugged Cam and said "Glad you're fine."

"Okay Cameron, you are free to go. You seem to be in good shape, just a few bruises. But may I ask why were your hands covered in glass and blood." the doctor asked.

"Um I fell." Cameron lied.

He nodded.

We left and drove to my house.

Once we got home, I made my self some coffee and went upstairs.

I didn't want to deal with anything right now. I just wanted time to myself and think of what to do next. I settled in and got comfortable.

As soon as I turn off the lights, someone's knocks on it.

"Come in." I yelled.

Cameron's head peeked through the door.

"Hey Hannah. Can we talk?"

"Sure." I sighed.

"Look, i know we've been through a lot together. I just want you to hear me out before you make your final decision."

I nodded.

"So, on the day that Hailey texted me, I wanted to meet her just for one reason. To tell her to fuck off. But she used some kind of drug on me and I felt really nauseous. I didn't know what was happening and everything she told me to do, I obeyed. And she told me to, you know. I want to let you know I would never do this on purpose. You know I love you Hannah."

I didn't know what to say. Should I forgive him? I don't know.

His eyes were filled with hope.

"I-I forgive you Cam." the words slipped out of my mouth without thinking.

He pressed his lips on mine. "Thank you so much Hannah."

"You mean the world to me Cameron. I don't know what id do without you."


That was a shitty chapter. My writing has gotten worse I think😂 it's ending soon. Only 1 chapter left. Hehe. Bye

xo Jess

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