Chapter 1: My Everyday Life

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•Hannah's POV•

' How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got '

There goes my stupid alarm. I just woke up and am already dreading school. It is literally a living hell for me.


" OKAY Jesus " I yelled back.

I rolled out of bed onto the cold wood floor. Forcing my body to make its way to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I like to do it before I eat I don't know why, don't ask. Once I brush my teeth, I start doing my hair.

'Hmmm lets do a... waterfall braid.'

After doing my hair, I do my everyday make-up. Put on foundation, blend that in, concealer..... on my scars so no one would notice and question them. Lightly put on some mascara, eyeliner. You get the basic make-up look.

I walk out of the bathroom and back into my room to pick out an outfit. My room is usually very messy after this, don't judge me. I decided on..... a red and black flannel, black skinny jeans, and a crop top that says "please excuse my dope ass swag" on it. I put everything on, and tied the flannel around my waist. I walked over to my shelf, but on some deodorant, some Victoria Secret perfume, and I tied a red bandana around my head to match my flannel. Now I run down the stairs to leave for school. I don't eat because my bullies call me fat, so I tell my mom I'm not hungry or I already ate. I stepped into my red Vans and threw my backpack over my shoulder and headed out the door. I grabbed my penny board outside my front door as headed off to hell, I mean school.

As I walked through the door of East Wood High, my high school, my bullies were waiting for me at the entrance.

" Well if it isn't the slut. " Nash Grier snickered.

" She's a fat whore. " Carter Reynolds said.

I showed no emotion. It wasn't like those words hurt me. I'm used to it now. I've been bullied since the 6th grade, so I'm okay. When they first started bullying me, their words were like knives stabbed into my heart, but now, it's like nothing. They've done worse than call me hurtful names.

I brushed past them, but someone pulled my wrist.

" Where do you think you're going bitch. "

I turned around to face Cameron Dallas.

" Ow.. you're.... you're..... hurting my wrist. Cameron please..." I whimpered without making eye contacts.

His grip was pretty hard.

He just smirked at me and walked away. You will not believe how much I want to slap that smirk off his face.


Well time for class. I have all my classes with Cameron. I don't even know why.

~~~~~~ FIRST CHAPTER!!!!!~~~~~~~~

Thanks for reading!! I have many more ideas in my head. I'm planning on writing another book even though I'm not done with this one lol.
btw my best friends name is Hannah so I decided on choosing her name lol BYEE

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