Chapter 28: Help

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• Hannah's POV •

I was starting to get worried. Cam has been gone for hours now. I decided to call him. It went straight to voicemail. I took my headphones off and heard loud moans coming from outside my room.

I followed the noise which lead me to Cameron's room.

I opened the door and there he was, having sex with a random girl.

My heart shattered into a billion pieces. I loved him. He was right in front of my face having sex with a girl.

"WERE DONE!" I shouted and ran out, tears streaming down my face.

I can't believe him. How could he do this to me. He lied. He promised to never hurt me again.

I ran into the bathroom and locked the doors. My back leaning against the door, I slid down. I looked for my razor in the drawers.


The sound was distant. It was Cameron's voice.

I found the razor and made as many cuts as i could. It stung my hand like fucking hell. I ignored the pain, which turned into sensation. It was like letting go of all my worries that were stuck underneath my skin.

Someone broke the door down. My eyes were blurry.

"Hannah! Why?!" they picked me up and ran. That's all I remembered before blacking out.

• Cameron's POV •

I picked up Hannah and called the police. They said they're sending help. How could I have let this happen. I'm so fucking stupid.

I heard sirens outside after a minute or so. They busted through the door and took Hannah away from me. I hopped into my car and drove to the hospital. I didn't care if the police were gonna catch me. Everything seemed to happen so fast.

I finally got to the hospital and ran in.

"WHICH ROOM IS HANNAH COLLINS IN!?" I yelled at the lady up front.

"Calm down sir. You cannot go in yet. She's still being checked up. Please wait." She said calmly.

I sighed.

"Please, I'm her boyfriend, and she needs me in there with her. Please!" I begged.

She shook her head.

I sat down and waited.

-Couple Hours Ago-

"Hannah Collins."

A man called. I shot up.

"Me!" I yelled.

"What's your relationship status?" he asked.

"I'm her boyfriend."

He nodded. "Follow me."

He lead me to the rooms. I looked through the glass window to see a broken girl. She was lying there lifeless, tubes going into her. It's all my fault. Hannah doesn't deserve this. This should've been me.

I walked into the room hearing beeping noises coming from the machines she was hooked up to.

"She's in a coma right now. She'll wake up in about a week or so. I hope." he sighed.

"Thanks doc."

He left the room, leaving me and Hannah.

My body fell weak. I soon drifted off to sleep.


Agh this is so sad. I can imagine Cameron like this. 😖💔 I'll be updating more often cuz u know I don't have a life so yay😂 jk

xoxo Jess 🙈

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