Chapter 2: Camerons House

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• Hannah's POV •

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked into the class. Cameron was eyeing me up and down. I gave him a disgusted look as I walked past him. I found my seat, which is in the back of the class, and sat down. I watched as Cameron got up from his spot and sat right next to me. I sunk down in my seat. I could feel his eye burning through my chest, so I moved to the front.

I glanced back and he just stay put.

' Thank God '

Right then the teacher walked in.

" Hi class! Who's ready for some drama! " the teacher said in her annoying high pitched voice with that enthusiasm.

" Ughhhh " groaned the class.

" That's the spirit, " she said, but this time with sarcasm.

" Okay class, today we are doing a project on your given subject. You and a partner are going to make a presentation using either a poster board or with technology. "


" But just to make things clear, I'm choosing your partners. "


I blanked out until the teacher said " Cameron and Hannah. "


Cameron smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

'This is going to be a long project'

" Sit next to your partner! This project will last this whole month. You are expected to put in full effort in order to get a good grade. "

Cameron walked up to me and sat down. The teacher came up to us and said " your subject is about love and romance. Good luck! "

" My house after school. " says Cameron.


" Just be there or else. "

" oh.. ok... "

---- After School -----

I got on my penny board and rode to Cameron's house. He told me to be there and if I didn't show up he'd be pissed and tell this friends to beat me. If you're wondering 'how the heck do you know where he lives you stalker'. Well, we used to be best friends as little kids, and he somehow chose popularity over our friendship, so he bullied me. I still remember his house because I used to come over everyday after school and we would ride our bikes and read and watch movies. But I guess people change.

My hands were shaking as I rang the doorbell.

' What will Mrs. Dallas think of me? I haven't seen her in so long. Will she remember me? '

These thoughts raced through my mind. Finally someone opened the door. It was Cameron.

"Come on in, Hannah" he said with a grin.

This is the first time he's been nice to me. He held the door wider so I could go in.

" Thank you..... "

" No problem. "

I scanned my eyes around the house. I breathed in the scent of the place.

" Just like I remember it. " I said with a chuckle.

" Yeah.... " he said with a guilty look on his face.

Suddenly Mrs. Dallas came running down the stairs and enforced me in a bone crushing bear hug.

"Ooohhhh honey! It's been so long! Why didn't you come over?! I miss you so much! " Mrs. Dallas squealed.

" It's nice to see you too Mrs. Dallas. " I exclaimed with a slight laugh.

Cameron was just standing there awkwardly.

" Ok sweetie, take Hannah up to your room and do whatever you need to do. " says Mrs. Dallas.

" Ok mom. " replied Cameron.

As I walked into his room, it was just like I remembered. It smelled the same too. I don't know why but his room always smelled like his Cologne. I have to admit it smelled really good. It sounds weird but it makes me happy. I was checking out his room when he said " ok let's get started. "

" ok "

" So.... about love... "

----2 hours later------

We were finally done and we were now talking to each other. Although I was a little scared he might hurt me, I stayed late anyways. We were laughing and just having a good time.

" I like this Cam way better than the Cam at school " I laughed, but instantly regretted it because that made him look guilty.

" I....Im sorry Hannah....

" I shouldn't have brought that up I'm so sorry Cam. "

"It's ok I'm sorry too. "

" Let's change the subject. "

" Ok. Soo..... "

" Wow it's been a while since you called me Cam instead of Cameron " he smirked.

I felt a blush creep up my neck.

" Yea things just are different and people in my life have you know... changed. "

" Hannah I'm so sorry I bullied you. I never meant to hurt you. I remember when I made that promise to never hurt you. Everyday I question myself, 'when am I going to stop?' "

I was on the verge of tears. It hurt me to see Cameron crying.

" But why me? Why do you bully only me Cam? Why? "

" It's because.... it's because.... I love you! Ok?! I didn't want to admit it but... I love you Hannah Collins. "

"I love you too" I said almost in a whisper.

He looked up and our eyes met. He stood up and spread his arms for me too run into. I stood up and ran and my body crashed into his. It felt right. I never wanted this moment to end.

I wiped away my tears as we stood there for a good 5 minutes.

"I should probably get home. My moms probably looking for me. Bye Cam see you at school "

"Ok bye Hannah cya. By the way, I like it when you call me Cam rather than Cameron. "

I swear my face was as red as a tomato.

" Ok bye Cam."

And with that, I got my penny board and rode home.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now