Chapter 26: Back Together

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• Hannah's POV •

I can't believe Cam and I are through. I thought we were meant to be but I guess not. I finally got the urge to get up. I walked downstairs, sighing as I made my breakfast. I made egg and spinach and I also had watermelon. I silently ate my breakfast.

I walked back upstairs to get changed but I stopped in realization. Cam and I just broke up and we share the same room and closet, which means I can't go in there....

Oh shitttt. Ugh

I quietly tip toed into the room to get my clothes. Cam was peacefully sleeping. I wish I was in his arms.

Suddenly my phone went off, causing Cam to shuffle around.

It was a text from Daniel saying "Be ready in 20. Also tell Cam too."

I texted him back. "Okay but I'm not gonna wake Cam up we broke up last night because he saw us kiss."

He immediately replied. "Omg Hannah. I'm so sorry. Agh why am I so stupid. It was my fault I leaned in."

"Its okay. Whatever. He wouldn't let me explain myself."

I got changed, woke Cam up, and walked downstairs.

"You look beautiful, Hannah." he blushed.

"Thank you, Daniel. Not so bad yourself."

He wrapped his arms around my waist. He was acting like we were a couple.

Once Cam got downstairs, he looked at Daniels arm wrapped around me. His jaw was clenched together, showing that he was angry. He gripped his knuckles and walked out.

Daniel shrugged and we headed out.

"So where are we going?" I asked Daniel who was currently driving.

"For breakfast." he grinned.

I nodded smiling.

We arrived at iHop. We went inside and ordered.

I sat next to Daniel and Cam was across us.

"Hey my friend Hayes has a party tonight and I was wondering if you guys wanted to go?" Daniel asked.

"Sure whatever." Cam replied.

"Sounds fun." I added.

-Couple Hours Later-

Right as soon as I walked into the house, of course there were red solo cups littered all over the floor, drunk people making out and grinding on each other.

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Hannah." Daniel flashed a smile and took my hand, dragging me inside.

I looked to see if Cameron was coming but his feet were glued to the floor. His jawline was clenched together, his fists balled up so tight they were nearly white. He looked angry.

I ignored the thought of him being jealous. He was the one who broke up with me. It's so idiotic and immature to him to not let me explain myself.

Daniel lead me inside. He found, I'm guessing Hayes, and they did a man hug type thing, I don't even know.

"Hey man! I missed ya." Hayes smiled.

"Sup missed you too. This is my friend Hannah." Daniel introduced.

"It's nice to meet a beautiful girl like you once in a while." Hayes winked.

"Thanks, it's nice to be met." I chuckled.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now