Chapter 17: Stalker

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• Hannah's POV •

I woke up to my alarm. Daniels arm wrapped around me making me feel safe. I don't think I can go anywhere alone anymore. I looked up at Daniel. I kissed his soft lips which brought a smile to his lips.

"Morning beautiful." he said kissing my forehead.

"Morning handsome." I chuckled.

"I'm going to go down to make some pancakes, your favorite." I said with a smile.

"Let me help you."


We got ready and headed down the stairs. I was halfway down when Daniel picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"Put me down! I have to make breakfast"

He laughed. "No can do babe."

He carried me all the way downstairs. We got out the flour, baking powder, eggs, milk, and sugar. I was mixing the batter when he smacked me with flour.


He was too busy laughing his ass off to see me coming up to him.



I giggled.

Before we knew it there was flour and eggs all over the kitchen.

I studied the kitchen.

"Babe we have to clean his up."

"Ok Skye."

We finally finished and I began to actually cook the pancakes. I flipped one over and felt strong arms around my waist.

I smiled. I wish this could last forever.

I tilted my head back and gave him a kiss.

"I love you Daniel."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"Not possible baby girl."

"Fine you win."

"I know." he said flipping his imaginary hair.

"Weirdo." I chuckled.

"Hey your weird too."

"I know."

We finished cooking the pancakes and went over to the island to eat.

"I missed you so much when you were gone Hannah. I tried calling the police, they tried to search for you but they couldn't pick up your signal."

"I'm glad you tried."

He flashed me a million dollar smile.

After we were finished, we cleaned up.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Cuddle and Netflix and Pizza?" he said with a cheeky smile.

"You know me so well."

We ordered pizza and ran upstairs to get the movie set up.

"Pretty Little Liars?" he asked.

"Duh. Girl."

"Oh Hannah your sassiness is unreal."

We watched pretty little liars and cuddled. I soon fell asleep.

-1 Hour Later-

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"H-hello?" I asked without looking at the ID caller.

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now