Chapter 10: Why, Hannah, Why?

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• Hannah's POV •

I woke up that morning snuggled up against Daniels warm body, his muscular arms wrapped around me. I smiled at the thought of it. When I remembered this is what Cameron and I used to do my smile turned into a frown. I got up, careful not to wake Daniel. It was officially the first day of summer. Which means no more school! HELL YEAH! I was so excited. Behind me I heard shuffling indicating Daniel was waking up.

"Hey Hannah." he said in his raspy morning voice which I have to admit, is pretty hot.

"Hey Bae."

He smiled.

"So whatcha wanna do today since we don't have anymore school?" he asked.

"Hmmmmm.... I don't know."

"Oh I forgot to tell you I got a call last night from Bart and he said I was invited on the Magcon tour!!"

"Oh that's great! Oh my gosh... I haven't posted a YouTube video in so long!"

"Let's do one today!"

"Yeah! What should it be about..."

"Truth or Dare?"

"Sure let me go tweet the fans and ask them what dare and truths we should do."


After I tweeted my fans to give me and Daniel truth of dare questions, I went to get ready. My outfit was a pineapple crop top, a knitted cardigan, baby blue colored, and pink ombré shorts.


I blushed.

"Thanks you don't look so bad yourself."

Daniel was wearing a triangle design t-shirt with khakis which looked really good on him. For our shoes we decided to match red Vans. For my hair accessory, I had on a bow for my fishtail braid to the side.

I did my normal makeup look. Finally we were out the door. Our first stop was iHop for breakfast. As I walked through the door, I saw Cameron was sitting in a booth with another girl. Our eyes met and I quickly looked away. Daniel noticed I looked uncomfortable, so he locked hands with mine. I smiled up at him. I could feel Cameron looking at us but I didn't care.

The waiter took us to our booth. I ordered pancakes and Daniel ordered egg on toast with bacon on the side. The waiter was checking me out which was gross. He was flirting with me and slid his phone number until my plate. Daniel was glaring at him.

"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend."

"So? Call me sometime babe." He smirked and winked.

"Hey back off man. She's my girlfriend." he gave me a look of "go with it".


The waiter saw how strong Daniel looked so he backed off.

"Thanks Daniel."

"Anything for you."

I blushed and tried to hide it, but failed.

"Hey don't hide your blush, its cute."

After breakfast, we went to get Starbucks. The whole time I tried avoiding eye contact with Cameron but I couldn't help but glance over at him every once in a while.

Me and Daniel were jamming to 'All I Want' in the car. I was so proud of him singing this song. When we arrived at Starbucks I ran in and ordered a Venti Valencia Orange Refresher. Daniel walked in laughing at me.

We got our order and went to sit down. I started drinking my drink when I got this feeling someone was staring at me. I looked up to see Daniel staring at my arm. I pulled away. Oh no not again. Cameron already saw them, I don't want Daniel to know. Dammit.

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