Chapter 29: Sofie

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• Cameron's POV •

"Excuse me sir, wake up. Come get some breakfast."

Someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes to see a nurse standing in front of me.

I nodded.

I went into the bathroom and did my business. Glancing in the mirror, and seeing myself with bloodshot eyes made me shiver.

I went back to the room and pressed my lips against Hannah's forehead. The nurse showed me the cafeteria. I grabbed some scrambled eggs and bacon and went to sit down. I wasn't in the mood for eating. I ate anyway.

Someone plopped down next to me but I didn't bother to look up.


She smiled a weak smile.

"Oh, hi." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm Sofia, but I'd rather be called Soph or Sofie." she stuck her hand out and I shook it.

"I'm Cameron. Cameron Dallas."

"So... why are you here?" she asked curiously.

"Well, my girlfriend is in a coma right now because she...she tried to commit suicide. She cut herself." a single tear slipped down my face.

"I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." she apologized.

"It's fine. so why are you here?"

"My cousin, Taylor Caniff is here because he got in a car accident. I love him so much." she replied.

"WAIT WHAT?!" I yelled.

"You know Taylor?" she asked.

"YEAH HES LIKE MY BROTHER! We're in something called Magcon. WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME!"

"Oh..... well you can come see him." she offered.

I nodded.

We are and talked about ourselves and about how Hannah and Taylor ended up like this. I felt like she was my little sister.

After breakfast, we decided to get our minds off things and take a walk.

My phone rung. I got a phone call from the hospital.


"Hello is this Cameron Dallas?" someone asked over the phone.


"Well we bring you some good news. Your girlfriend Hannah Collins has woken up. She seems to be perfectly fine but she does not want to see you right now."

My heart broke. She remembers what had happened. The reason why she is even here.

"Ok. Thank you."

I hung up.

"What was that about? You look miserable." Sofie said.

"Well, I just got a call from the doctor and he said that Hannah is awake, but she doesn't want to see me..." my words trailed off.

"Oh that's awful. I'm so sorry Cameron. How about we go see her anyway?" Soph suggested.

"But she doesn't wanna see me."

"I know that she does. Now come on." she pulled me back to the hospital.

We stood in front of Hannah's room.

"Knock." Sofie said.

I stood frozen. I looked through the glass to see a broke girl.

Sofie sighed behind me. She took my hand and let it softly hit the door.

The nurse inside signaled to open the door.

I slowly turned the doorknob.

"I will leave you kids alone." the nurse left.

Awkward silence lingered through the air.

"So how do you feel, Hannah?" I commented.

She didn't face me but said "I feel fine. But it's not like you care anyway."

Sofie gave me a worried look.

"Hannah I do care." I insisted.

Hannah sighed. "I don't know Cameron. I don't know about our relationship anymore."

I felt a thousand knives stabbing into my heart. How could she say that. I loved her so fucking much.

"But Hannah. Let me expla-"

"Don't Cameron. i don't want to hear your crappy excuses. I'm done with you." she spat with venom in her words.

Sofie placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

Tears streamed down my face.

"Hannah don't you realize how much I fucking love you. I've always loved you Hannah. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I'm a mistake to this world." I said barely at a whisper.

"No. You're not the mistake here Cameron. I am. That's why I wanted to leave this world. I'm pathetic and worthless. That's what you said I was." she finally turned towards me. Her eyes, red and puffy, were filled with hurt.

"Hannah please don't bring this up. I'm begging you. I want this to stay in the past. I know it was a huge mistake and I regret it. I'm sorry."

"Please leave Cameron. We'll talk about this later." she wiped her tears.

I nodded. "I understand."

Sofie put her arm around my shoulder and walked me out.


So saddddd😭😖 this was my face all throughout while writing this 😰😔. hehe.

xo Jess🙈

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