Chapter 20: Finding Love Again

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Listen to the song See You Again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa that I tagged in here when you read this! It's such a sad and amazing song. xoxo

• Cameron's POV •

I came back from the bathroom to find no one sitting at our seat. Where's Hannah? I called her, but it went straight to voicemail. I started panicking. I called Daniel.


"What do you want Cam." he said.

"Um I...uh...."

"What is it?"

"I was eating ice cream with Hannah, then I went to the bathroom, and when I came out she's not there. I tried calling her, but it went to voicemail."

"Let me try calling her."

"Ok tell me as soon as possible."

"Ok man, hope she's okay."

-End Of Convo-

• Daniels POV •
I was freaking out right now. What if her dad came back to get her?! I tried calling her, but it also went straight to voicemail. I left her a message saying "please be okay Hannah we are so worried about you."

I called Cameron to tell him that she didn't up and for him to come over so we can find her.

• Hannah's POV •

I woke up to find myself in a dark room.

"Um hello?" I said in a shaky voice.

Someone walked in. It was......Samantha.

"Hey bitch. Miss me?" he replied smirking.

"Where am I?!"

"I warned you to back off Daniel. But you just wouldn't listen, would you. Now you're going to pay the price."

"Why am I here?"

"This is where your dad told me to bring you." she said.

"She's right." a shadowy figure loomed out of the dark.

It was my dad, the bastard.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Never. You are staying here forever. You are to never speak to anyone who are close to ever again. You will stay away from those who love you. Got that?!"


He walked away.

"That bastard." I mumbled under my breath. Luckily he didn't hear.

-3 Months later-

My so called "dad" or the bastard hasn't let me in contact with anyone I know. We moved all the way from California to Florida because my "dad" didn't want me to accidentally come in contact with anyone. I have made a new friend who's name is London. She's amazing. I told her all about my dad and she's always been there for me. I miss Daniel and Cameron so so much. I couldn't stop crying for the first 3 weeks I was taken away. I just love them so much it hurts. Today, I have nothing better to do, so I decided to go to the mall and just look around. The bastard said if I'm not home by my curfew, I'm getting beaten up. He's a drunk addict and everyday he would yell at me for nothing, but luckily there are maids and butlers working for him who stick up for me.

I hopped in my car and drove to the mall.

Once I got there, I ran into Starbucks first. Starbucks is bae. I ordered and sat down to wait for my drink.

"Venti Valencia Orange Refresher for Hannah." the barista called.

I ran up to get my drink and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He handed me my drink and winked at me.

"Here you go beautiful."

I didn't want to be rude, but I wanted to scream at him. I didn't like when boys checked me out. So I just said thank you and left.

First stop was Forever21. I looked at some cute crop tops. Finally I checked out. I bought a white laced crop top, light denim shorts with lace on the side, some makeup wipes, a blue and black flannel, and a crop top that says 'boys ain't loyal'.

After a couple hours of shopping, I decided to get some lunch. I went to Auntie Annie's Pretzels and got bite size pretzel pieces and cheese sauce. After eating, I got some frozen yogurt. A group of boys came by and sat down with me.

"Um may I help you?" I asked rudely.

"Hmm fierce, huh? Don't be so rude hottie." a guy with blonde hair winked.

"Go away you pervert."

He took me by the wrist and pulled me. I tried to get out of his grip, but every time I pulled, he held onto it harder causing my scars to burn.

"LET GO OF ME YOU DOUCHE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Shut the fuck up." he sneered through gritted teeth.

Once he got to a corner he started touching me as well as the others. They touched my boobs and private parts.

"HEY LET GO OF HER!" someone ran up to them and started punching them. I took a closer look and saw it was....Daniel?!


Thy nodded and ran away. They had bruises on their faces. Serves them right.

"Oh my god...Hannah?"

I looked at him in the eyes.


He ran up to me and pulled me into him, laying his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried.


"I missed you so much." he cried into my neck.

"Same here."

He pulled my chin up, making me look deeply into his eyes. He wiped away my tears and smashed his lips onto mine. I missed this. We kissed passionately. I pulled away and gave him another squeeze. He gave me a peck on my forehead. Suddenly I realized me broke up months ago.....

"Why are you here Daniel? What are you doing in Florida?"

"Why are you here? I'm here because of Magcon."

"My dad....he kidnapped me. He wouldn't let me have contact with anyone."

"I should've tried harder to find you. I've already lost you, I don't want to loose you again, Hannah. I love you."

"I love you too Daniel."

His eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"I miss you, Hannah. I miss having you in my arms everyday, wrapping my arms around you at night, and I miss those lips. I missed the way you wrapped your arms around my torso when we hug. Will you be my girlfriend again?"

"Of course Daniel. I love you too fucking much."

"Hey, why don't we go back to my hotel and tell everyone your safe, and you'll never have to see the bastards ugly face anymore." he suggested.

"I'd love to."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been kind of busy. Lame excuse, I know. There's so much drama at school. I just have a friend problem right now, so I'm trying to deal with it. There will probably be more updates, hopefully.

xoxo Jess❤️

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