Chapter 19: Breakup

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• Daniels POV •

I walked into the room, tired as heck. When I was walking closer to the room, I heard snoring.

'Who's that's?'

I opened the door, and there was Hannah sleeping with Cameron. I didn't realize I was crying until there was liquid on my arms. Was she cheating on me?

"H-Hannah?" I said almost at a whisper.

I heard shuffling in the bed, and someone mumbled "oh shit".

"Daniel? Is that you?"

"Yeah." I turned on the lights.

She went up to hug me, but I dodged her. There was a worried and hurt look in her eyes.

"What's wrong? How was your day?"

"Like you care. Why is Cameron here? Are you cheating on me?"

"Of course I'm not cheating on you, Daniel."

"Then why are you sleeping with him?!" I said raising my voice.

She looked down. "We...we were just watching Netflix."

"Stop with your lame excuses Hannah."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You better explain tomorrow or were done."

A tear rolled down her face.

She nodded, her head still looking down.

Crying, I ran out the door.

-The Next Morning-

• Hannah's POV •

I woke up early and headed downstairs to find Daniel asleep on the couch. I decided to make him pancakes. After I was done cooking them, I went over to Daniel and shook him a little.

"Daniel I made pancakes."

He gave me a smile, but it soon faded. "Thank you. You've got some explaining to do."

"Okay we'll talk here."

He got up and went to get his pancakes and we sat. No one said a word, until I spoke.

"Yesterday, when you left, I was bored, so I decided to penny board around the park. I soon found Cam leaning on a tree crying. I went over to him and asked him what's wrong, and he said we can get ice cream and talk about it there. So we got ice cream and he told me his mom died in a car accident. We decided to forget about that and he taught me how to skateboard. Then we went inside to watch Netflix and eat pizza. I guess I fell asleep."

"Why did you sleep with him?"

"I didn't know."

He shook his head, indicating he doesn't approve.

"Soooo... do you forgive me?"

"I don't know. You've really hurt me."

"I said I'm sorry!"

He went to get something for a minute then came back with a plate.

"Here smash this on the floor." he said handing it to me.


"Just do it."

I smashed it. The sounds shrieked my ears.

"Say sorry to it." he ordered.

"I'm sorry."

"Now, does sorry fix what you have done to it?"

"Um no?"

"Exactly. Sorry doesn't help. It doesn't fix anything."

There was an awkward silence between us until someone came running down the stairs. It was Cameron.

"What the fuck?! WHY DID YOU SMASH THE PLATE."

Daniel glared at Cam, but he didn't seem to notice.

"How about we take a break, for a little, okay Hannah?"

"Are...are you breaking up with me?"

"I-I guess so."

I ran into his arms.

"I'll always love you Daniel."

"Me too."

After a while of standing there, we pulled apart. We decided to go get ready. I'm sure Daniel will find another girl who actually deserves him. Cameron wanted to go get bubble tea, so we left. I got mango and he got strawberry banana.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Be right back." he said.


I was drinking my bubble tea when a white cloth went over my face, and I blacked out.



XD I hope u enjoyed!! Yes school ends this Friday!!!!!!! YAAASSS BISH!! I can't wait for the summer!!

xoxo Jess


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