Chapter 15: Bad Vibes

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• Hannah's POV •

'Baby come through, you ain't need to stress you know I'm the best I know what to do.'

I shuffled around in my bed. My alarm was ringing very loudly, but everyone slept through it. What weirdos. I decided to be nice for a change and let them sleep in since we don't have a show. I rolled out of bed, but collapsed once I reached the floor.

"Shit." I muttered.

Sighing, I rubbed my eyes, and made my way to my suitcase to get clothes, and into the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I smiled, with the warm water hitting my back. After I shaved my legs, and washed my hair, I got out. My outfit I picked was a coral dress, which was mid thigh length. I wanted to look more girly today. I also wore a denim jacket in case it gets colder throughout the day, and I wore some black flats from H&M. I did my everyday makeup routine, and I put my bow up in a side fishtail braid. I took a quick glance in the mirror before heading out. Wow the coral color really brings out my eye color. Once I was satisfied with my look, I walked out and was on my way to get breakfast.

Once I was in the lobby, I went over to the counter to grab some food. I settled down and began eating.

"Well don't you look pretty today."

I looked up to see a pair of beautiful hazel eyes, with a gorgeous smile.

"Thank you Cam." I studied his outfit. He looked pretty hot. "Not so bad yourself."

"Thank you."

He placed his food down.

"So about yesterday...."

I looked up at him.

"What about it?"

"I'm sorry I got in between you and Daniel. I didn't mean to hurt you guys. I'm really really truly sorry."

"It's okay Cam. But why did you whisper it to Nash?"

He gave me a shocked look.

"I uh...I guess I still have feelings for you. They will never ever go away."

"But what about Samantha?"

"I dumped her weeks ago. She... uh.. she cheated on me. I guess she fucked many other guys."

He looked disappointed.

"I'm so sorry Cam. Why didn't you tell me? You could've told your best friend. I'm always here for you."

"Thanks but... I didn't want Dani to hate me."

"I don't know."

He sighed.

"I wish I could hold you in my arms again. I wish to kiss you whenever I want. I wish to call you mine again." he confessed.

Tears formed in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Cam."

He wiped the tears off his face. He stood up to throw his food away. I did as well. He was still wiping the tears away which made me feel hurt too. I ran into his arms. We cried there. We finally pulled away, and headed upstairs to wake up everybody else.

-2 Weeks Later-

We were done on tour. Everyone was at the airport ready to go home. I was crying so hard, and I made a stupid decision for not wearing water proof mascara. I was going home with Daniel and Cameron. Daniel decided to move in right next to my house so we can see each other everyday. I held onto everyone for so long. I was going to miss everybody especially my girls. Maggie, Mahogany, and I have matching everything. We had matching tattoos on our wrists of an infinity sign and underneath it says MMH. They are like my sisters. I cannot live without them.

"Fine everyone." I said to everyone, with one last wave, a tear rolled down my cheek.

-After Flight-

I had a key so I walked in with Daniel and Cam right behind me. I placed my stuff down in my room and someone slammed the door shut. I didn't run around because I knew it was either Daniel or Cam.

"Daniel or Cam, this isn't funny come an help me pack."

Someone pulled my wrist, their hands squeezing my scars with great force. I turned around to face..... my dad.


"Dad I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you were on a business trip!"


He then slapped me across the face. My eyes started watering. It burned like hell.

He picked me up.

"PUT ME DOWN BASTARD!" I started hitting him trying to get out of his grip.

He threw me across the room... straight into the mirror. It shattered, causing the glass to inject my skin. That monster walked over to me and kicked me.



Everything became darker and darker, then blackness overcame me.


There's going to be more stuff happening in the next chapter.

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