Chapter 9: Lying and Cheating

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• Hannah's POV •

- The Next Morning -

When I woke up In the morning, I did my daily morning routine. My outfit for the day was a white lace crop top, black shorts, and for accessories, I put on a golden arrow necklace. I wore a bracelet my best friend Cathy gave me in 6th grade for my birthday to complete my look.

Daniel and I decided to go over to Cameron's house. As I stepped outside, I noticed a black convertible parked in his driveway. Who is that? Me and Daniel shared a confused look. We stepped inside because his doors were open. As I walked into his room, I heard loud moaning coming from his room. I peeked through the door and I saw he was having sex with...... SAMANTHA?! She's the most popular girl in school. She's a total slut. Daniel gave me a scared look.


"T-this isn't w-what it l-looks like!..."

Tears were flowing down my cheeks.


Samantha smirked at me. I glared at her. I stormed up to her a bitch slapped her. Then Cameron yelled at her.


She groaned, but left. I ran back home crying with Daniel following right behind me.

I ran in my room and collapsed on my bed.

"How could he do this to me....." I whimpered.

Daniel came a brought me on his lap where I cried into his shirt.

"I.... I'm so sorry H-hannah."

"It's not y-your f-fault."

We sat there for about 30 minutes. My phone went off and I saw through my blurry vision it was Cameron. I picked up my phone and through it across the room, causing it to crack. More tears poured down. Daniel sat there comforting me, not moving anywhere.

"I-I'm sorry Daniel."

"It's ok Hannah. I love you." He kissed my forehead.

I then stayed there for the rest of the day, in my room. Daniel stayed with me too. I'm glad I have a friend like him.

• Cameron's POV •

Shit shit shit shit. I screwed up. Big time. Fuck I hurt Hannah. I broke her heart. I can't believe myself. I've hurt her too many times already.

I put my head in my hands. Crying to myself, no one here for me. I'm glad Hannah has someone like Daniel to comfort her. I'm such a big mistake. Maybe she's better off without me and with Daniel.

I sighed knowing she will never forgive me and I will never be able to hug and kiss her everyday anymore.

• Hannah's POV •

Daniel insisted that we go to the park and go get some frozen yogurt and Starbucks to get my mind off things for a while. I wanted to make him happy so I agreed.

When we got to frozen yogurt, we went inside to get some and Daniel wanted to pay, so I let him. We brought our froyo to the park. As we sat on the top of the slide together, there were some cute couple walking by holding hands and kissing which made my heart sink. Daniel was there to comfort me though and I love him for that. I think I'm starting to develop feelings for him.... but I don't wanna get rushed into a relationship right after I was cheated on.

"Hey Hannah"


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

Too Many Chances (Cameron Dallas and Daniel Skye)Where stories live. Discover now