[chapter fourty eight] how to save a life

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Aires pov...

Somebody tried to kill me last night, and I don't know why.

The bruises around my neck were so horrific that even makeup and a turtle neck top could only just conceal it. I don't know what happened- or why. Once again I was left puzzled at why it was that I had come so close to death.

Telling Chris wasn't an option. I wanted to tell him, but deep down I knew I couldn't tell anyone. Telling someone would mean going to hospital, and hospital would mean blood tests which would mean somebody discovering drugs in my system. And that was a scenario I was adamant on avoiding.

Nobody could know.

Even if it meant I would be forced to try and find answers on my own, it didn't matter.

Nobody could find out I had relapsed.

"And what are you and Aires doing tonight?" Noah asked with a lopsided grin, practically over the moon about the fact that me and his son were finally together.

"Oh you know Sheriff, the usual. Causing chaos and trouble. Breaking a few laws, committing a few crimes." I mumbled with a playful smirk on my lips.

Blinding pain shot through my body with every word that left my lips, I was in complete and utter agony and yet I couldn't show it. The whole purpose of me skipping school that day had been to avoid using my voice, however, I knew I couldn't avoid it once I stepped out of my house. Case in point, if I wasn't saying some sassy or snarky remark, someone would immediately realise there was something wrong with me.

I had to pretend like I was completely fine whilst feeling like I was dying on the inside.

"We are going on a date." Stiles corrected with a playful glare whilst his arms snaked around my waist.

"Wait what?" I whispered with a mock gasp. "I thought you wanted me to help you bury that body at the school?"

"Oh shut up." He shot back before crashing his lips onto mine.

The second his lips touched mine, every ounce of pain evaporated from my body. Kissing him was a remedy to all my problems, it was what made me feel alive. All the pain and suffering that life threw at me felt worth it whenever I was in his arms, it made living bearable.

"STILINSKI!" Somebody suddenly screamed, startling us and forcing mine and Stiles lips apart. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

A scowl stretched across my face as my hands balled into fists and my mind jumped into fight mode. "Who the fuck is that?" I hissed with narrowed eyes as I watched several officers attempt to restrain what looked like a teenage boy.

"Oh for the love of god." Stiles mumbled whilst running his hands over his face.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me remember it was well-documented in your anger expression inventory."

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window. I'm angry like im gonna find you and murder you."

The blood running through my veins went cold as his last words left his lips, and the rage I had worked so hard to contain began to seep to the surface. "What the fuck did you just say?" I quietly whispered.

"Aires." Noah whispered from beside me whilst gently pulling me behind him. "It's okay Aires, stand down."

"Wow, that was awesome." Stiles mumbled with a slow mocking clap, bringing a smirk to my lips. "That was great. Give us another, maybe like Christopher Walkn this time, you know. Okay you know what, it's fine, you'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny little cell."

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