[chapter fourty nine] the deafening silence

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Aires pov...

"What the fuck happened?" I demanded with a scowl as I stormed over to Lydia.

"I- I don't know. I just... I got a feeling and- and-"

"Lyds, calm down. Breathe."

The raw panic in her eyes made a sickening sensation flood my chest as I pushed away the urge to throw my arms around her. I didn't know what it was that she had seen, or what it was that she had heard in her head. However, I knew her well enough to know that whatever it was that she had seen, had scared the living shit out of her.

"Follow me." She whispered before intertwining our hands and slowly leading me towards a van.

A frown twisted on my face as I shot a confused look at Malia and Kira, only to receive shrugs from them both. Whatever it was that she had seen, she didn't trust them enough to tell or show them. Instead she had waited for me to walk over an hour just to get to her so she could finally tell someone.

"Someone's dead." She whispered as we slowly approached the van. "Three people."

"Stay back." I whispered whilst gently pushing her to the side.

A gasp got lodged in my throat as I took a peek at the horrific murder scene. Crimson red coated the insides whilst shattered glass sat scattered on top of mutilated bodies. I didn't need to check for a pulse to know that none of the people inside were alive. What I was looking at was something far more complex then just a normal murder scene.

It was something orchestrated by pure evil.


"Lydia, call 911."

As she pulled out her phone, I took the spare time to take a further peek as to the details surrounding the peoples injuries. Slashes, deep and wide. Scratches, nails far apart that it couldn't be passed for a coyote or mountain lion, but instead a werewolf.

"It's supernatural." I whispered to myself whilst slowly taking a step away from the vehicle.

Whoever had done this clearly wasn't in control, and by the looks of the injuries, they were aiming to kill.

"Aires." Lydia whispered with a soft sob, making me jump into a sudden fight mode. "There's someone behind you, someone watching you from under the underpass."

Goosebumps broke out across my skin as I slowly tilted my neck to peer over my shoulder, locking onto the dark figure in the distance. Something about the feel of their eyes on me was enough to bring a spark of panic rushing to my chest.

Who the hell was that?

"Aires." Lydia whispered urgently whilst attempting to tug me away from the van.

But it didn't work, I couldn't tear my eyes off the strange figure who if Lydia didn't see, I wouldn't have spotted either. They wanted to stay hidden, to stay concealed. And yet they couldn't seem to tear their gaze off of me, almost challenging me.

I couldn't tell much about their description, only that if I blinked, I was scared they would disappear. Dressed in all black, no face, nothing to try and describe them with.

"Aires." Lydia urged again, though she failed to break me from my trance.

Who- or what were they?

"What's going on?" Malia whispered from somewhere behind me. "Aires-"

"Can you see that? The person standing there?" I whispered to her.

"What? Aires there's nobody there-"

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