[chapter fifty one] completely and utterly haunted by crimson red

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Only three times had Aires Hale ever been catatonic. Eichen house, after opening the violet door, and now after Tracys warning.

There was so much that didn't make sense, so many details that she couldn't place with what she had seen. She wanted to move, to scream, to show any sign of life. And yet instead she sat with her hands in her lap and lifeless eyes staring into nothing.

Tracy putting her claws into the girl's neck felt it had more of a purpose than just warning her, yet she couldn't seem to think of any reason as to why she felt that way. That was one of the most frustrating things about her head.

She got feelings, the proof came later but by then her feeling was useless, the worst had happened.

"Whatever Tracy showed her, whatever she saw, it sent her body into a state of panic. She's stuck between life or death. Nothingness." Deaton whispered with a frown as he slowly circled the girl.

Snap out of it, Aires.

You can't get sent to a hospital- they will all find out.

Snap. Out. Of. It.

Tears burned in Stiles eyes as he forced a sob back down his throat. "Yeah well the last time Ree was catatonic was after she opened the violet door."

"And Allison was the one to break her out of that state." Isaac finished with a small shake of his head.

The Hale looked completely and utterly lifeless, like if you were to touch her she might crumble into a pile of ashes. They all stared at her with sad expressions, all praying for her to snap out of it. However, no amount of praying was able to save the girl.

She was stuck inside the confounds of her mind until she fought her own way out, and from the terror she had experienced from Tracy's warning, it didn't look as if she was going to get out of her own head any time soon.

"I- I can't." Malia choked with tear stained cheeks. "I- can't' see her like this. She looks the way she did in Eichen house. Pale, freezing cold, lifeless, silent."

The longer they waited for her to fight her own way out, the more the panic that she might not ever break out of it increased. They were left with little to no options as their eyes glanced at the clock.

"Someone has to break out of it." Deaton whispered. "It's been six hours, any longer and..."

They all knew what would happen, nobody had to say it. She would be sent to the hospital where she would probably be sent to Eichen House. Nobody would be able to stop it, the doctors would take one look at her before admitting her to the place that put her through hell.

They had no other options.

"I will." Isaac whispered. "Aires?"


"Aires?" He whispered again. "Come back, Ree. It's safe here." He whispered whilst brushing his fingers against the girl's cheek. "You're safe. I'm here. You're safe-"

An ear piercing scream ripped through the air, shattering everything in its path. Hot tears slid down Aires cheeks as she violently thrashed in Isaacs arms.

"Aires." He choked out as tears welled in his eyes. "It's okay- you are okay."

"NO!" The Hale screamed, pure rage and fear laced her voice.

"You're okay. It's okay. You're okay. I promise you, Aires. You're with me, I'm here. You are safe."

"I will never be safe." Aires whispered, her body went limp in Isaacs arms as tears continued to slide down her cheeks.

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