[chapter thirty six] murderous hide and seek

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A/N: You guys aren't ready.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

A single tear rolled down Stiles' cheek as he sped down the empty backroads of Beacon Hills. Style by Taylor Swift played softly in the background, bringing another tear from his eye.

That was Allison and Aires song.

The two blasted the hell out of 1989 when it came out, they loved all the songs. But Style, that was theirs. That was the one song that they couldn't listen to unless the other was with them.

And now, Aires stared blankly out the window, oblivious to what that song used to mean to her. She sat staring at the stars, uncaring and unbothered about the music that filled the air.

Stiles let out a small sniffle as he quickly swiped at his tears. He has put on the song, praying it would draw any type of reaction from her. But it wasn't until then that he realised how torn up he still was over Allisons death. He felt, responsible. Like her death was partly because of him.

If Allison were alive, none of this would have happened. And even if it did, if it was fated to turn out this way, Allison would've been the one to bring Aires back. She would've been the one to save her. But also, if Allison was alive, they would've all been happier.

Nothing had been the same since the death of Allison Argent.

"Where are we going?" Aires demanded, breaking Stiles out of his thoughts.

"We are here." He mumbled as he pulled up to Beacon Hills reserve, the place where it all started.

With a roll of her eyes, Aires jumped out the jeep and quickly charged after the boy. She wanted to scream at him, to pin him against a tree and demand to know what the hell he was showing her. She didn't trust The Society, he never truly had. But, she had other things to worry about. She was on her own mission, and yet she was getting caught up in finding out the truth about The Society.

Patience, Tate.


"Why are we here?" Aires whispered as she stared out at the lake.

They were at the same lake they were swimming in the day before, only this time they were on the other side, a side that made the whole view seem different. It was eerily quiet, everything seemed darker.

They were standing in the exact same place where Aires was pushed into the lake the night before her birthday, they were in the same place she almost drowned.

"Look at the stars." Stiles demanded in a hushed whisper. "What do you think of them?"

It was only one question, one simple question. And yet it made the girl's heart beat uncontrollably fast. The stars, the first thing she saw when she stepped outside The Society for the first time. Words couldn't explain how it felt to look at them, to have the comfort of knowing they were always there. Good, bad, or tragic days, the stars were still there. They never left.

The stars ignited something in her soul.

"They... Are beautiful."


Slowly, his hand brushed against her shoulder as his chest pushed against her back. A small shiver left the girl's lips as he brushed her hair away from her neck, barely touching her, yet it made her feel more alive than ever.

"Think harder." He whispered, his lips hovered above her ear whilst his eyes remained locked on her, watching her watch the stars.

She looked different... She didn't look as if she had been on a brutal murdering spree, as if she was ruthless. For a second, just a second, she looked peaceful.

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