[chapter seven] murder on my mind

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Aires had reread the message millions of times and yet it still made absolutely no sense to her. She wasn't sure what it meant or why it was sent to her. But from the way it was typed, she guessed that another thing had gone extremely wrong.

Stiles' eyes kept flickering over to her every few minutes, reading her, assessing her. He knew what was going on in her head, that the burning desire to relapse was consuming her mind.

Somehow, her head was loud and yet the world was silent.

Suddenly, Stiles snatched the Hales phone and shoved it into his pocket, eliciting a scream of frustration from Aires.


"You weren't listening to anything I said so I had to take measures into my own hands."

"Yeah, by stealing my phone, real mature!" She shot back with an eye roll.

"What's bothering you? You tell me then you get your phone back."

A smirk rose on Aires lips as she slowly tilted her head to the side. She wasn't going to take Stiles' deal, she was never even going to consider it. So as she leant across the console and lightly ran her hand up Stiles thigh, she watched as the air escaped from his lungs.

His heartbeat was so loud, anyone within a ten mile radius would've been able to hear it.

Her face was inches away from his, their lips almost touching. Mischief swam in the Hales ' eyes as her fingers slowly dipped into the boy's pocket and pulled out her phone.

She won.

With a victorious smirk, she slowly pulled away and sank back into her seat. Once again, she had won the small game between her and Stiles.

A heavy sigh sipped past Stiles lips as he slowly shook his head, unable to control the way his heart was beating out of his chest. "We will be having this discussion later." He mumbled under his breath, flustered and hell and uncomfortable at the sudden tightness in his jeans.

"There won't be a discussion later if I refuse to talk." Aires shot back, her smirk never wavered.

"Trust me, I'll get you to talk. I can be very persuasive." His flirty tone brought an eye roll from the Hale.

"Not as persuasive as me-"

"Ew." Derek shrieked from the back seat of the jeep. "Can you two stop flirting with each other when I'm back here!"

Aires smirk grew as her eyes flickered to meet Stiles, however, the boy's eyes stayed locked on the road. Thousands of thoughts flew through his mind, mostly about the girl beside him. He couldn't ignore the way his heart beat rose at her close proximity, or the way she always challenged him.

Everything was Aires.

All his thoughts, his dreams. It was all her.

And he was painfully aware of his situation.

"We are here. This is Scott's house, don't talk to anyone Derek." Stiles mumbled.

As the three hopped out of the jeep, Aires' mind began to drift. Guilt twisted its way in her chest, completely ruining the moment minutes before.


She missed him, more than she let on. Everyone was so worried about her reaction to Allison that they had completely forgotten that she had also lost Aiden. The boy from her childhood, the one she fell in love with over and over again.

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