[one hundred and two] the final countdown

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'✧∘* ˚.

Aires pov...

It was all going too easily.

As I walked through the woods with my hands balled into fists by my sides, I couldn't stop myself from overthinking- I couldn't stop my mind from spiralling.

My mind was fixated on it, fixated on the way it went too smoothly, on the way they barely put up a fight. It was almost as if they knew something I didn't. That they knew there was another shoe that was going to drop.

They wanted revenge on me for breaking free, for ruining their plans. But they weren't coming after me themselves, and I didn't think they were sending Amalie as a form of revenge.

They knew something else was coming.

And I was the one in the dark.

A frustrated scowl blossomed on my face as rain soaked my body, making my clothes stick to my skin. Amalie was causing chaos, she was running rampage in the town. And yet my mind wasn't stuck on her, it was stuck on the sickeningly dreadful feeling that something so much worse was coming for me


Quickly, my head snapped up, and I didn't waste another second before taking off and throwing myself at him. Blake's arms grabbed onto the backs of my legs, picking me up whilst I crashed my lips onto his.

My legs wrapped around his legs whilst my fingers ran through his hair. I didn't care that it was raining or that there was chaos going on, I needed to see Blake, needed to know he was still alive and unharmed.

"You okay?" I muttered whilst pulling out of the kiss.

"I'm okay." He shot back before brushing my damp hair out of my face. "Are you, love? You're looking at me as if you want to murder me."

"It isn't personal."

"Your scowl says differently."

"No, it's not because of you. It's..."

"Hey." He snapped whilst tilting my chin up, forcing me to look at him. "Tell me." He muttered in a low whisper.

As I rolled my eyes, a scoff fell from my lips. "So demanding-"

"Aires." He warned.

The truth was, I felt sick to my fucking stomach about it all. Nothing made sense, everything felt too perfect. And whilst I wanted to bury the feeling under sarcastic comments and believe that for once, something had gone well in my life- I knew I couldn't keep the feeling from Blake.

He knew me too damn well.

"I have a feeling." I vaguely muttered with a light shrug.

I didn't want to say it outloud, to somehow manifest it. But I had been there too many times before, had the feeling too many times before.






As much as I wanted to ignore it and pretend it was probably nothing, I couldn't. Because 99% of the time it was always right.

I just prayed that this time it was wrong.

"What feeling?" He poked whilst slowly putting me onto the floor.

Even in the rain, I could feel my hands sweat, even though it was cold, a chill raced down my spine for a different reason.

"One that makes me sick to my stomach." I admitted. "It's... I've had bad feelings before, Blake."

I needed him to understand how bad the feeling was, how it was something to panic about.

"Theo." He muttered with a nod.

"And a few other people, a few other catastrophic events. I've had bad feelings before. I've known before it happened. But this- this is different."

A deep frown pulled on his face as he narrowed his eyes on me, studying me, trying to understand me.

I didn't know how to explain it, how to explain the turmoil that was going on inside me, what the voices were saying to me.

"Different how?"

"I have never felt like this before, even with Stiles- I never felt this panicked."

I felt like I was going to die, I felt like I was going to die for good- like everything was going to be over.

"Tell me, love." He blew out in a low, cold whisper, a darkness swam in his eyes as he looked down at me. "What are the voices saying?"

"Somethings coming after me." An involuntary tremble shot through my body, making my voice shake, and making it clear to Blake just how much trouble I was in.

It wasn't going after everyone else, the feeling- the voices- weren't telling me that everyone was in danger, the way it did with Jennifer and Matt. It was telling me that my time was coming to an end, that the final countdown had begun.

"Listen." He whispered whilst taking my face into his hands. "You're going to find Amalie, you're going to get rid of her. This nightmare is going to be put to bed and then we are going to deal with the next nightmare." He softly whispered.

"Okay." I blew out, trying to force the panic that clawed at me away.

"This is ending, and it's going to be okay."

I wanted to believe his last words, but the words that fell from his lips were nothing but a lie- and I couldn't delude myself into believing them.

The worst had yet to come- the other shoe was going to drop soon.

'✧∘* ˚.

Sorry this is so short, next chapter is the FINAL chapter for this book...

Felt like we all needed some more Blake content.

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