[chapter seventy eight] its a never ending war

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

A month had passed and nothing and everything had changed.

February brought out the worst in everyone, nobody smiled, everybody was miserable- it was as if a dark cloud was looming over Beacon Hills, infecting everyone within it.

The pack was avoiding each other. Stiles and Scott were no longer on speaking terms, Lydia hadn't shown up to school in weeks, instead she had been by Stiles' side searching for the nemeton. Malia too hadn't been around, looking instead for her birth mother. Liam had been found but was stuck inside his own love bubble with Hayden. Isaac was having panic attacks again, his sleep was plagued by nightmares of his father that caused him to disappear for days on end without saying a word to anyone else. Blake hadn't spoken to Aires in weeks, he would walk with her, sit with her, check on her, but he never said a word. Scott had asthma. Everybody was keeping secrets.

Nothing had happened to Lydia or Aires in weeks. No sleepwalking, no nightmares, no disappearances into the woods. Absolutely nothing. Everybody was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And Aires and Lydia were freakishly normal, putting them more on edge then ever.

As Aires and Stiles walked past each other in the school hallway, it was as if they were strangers. They didn't speak to each other, didn't smile at each other, didn't acknowledge the others presence- they just walked past each other without a word.

Aires wasn't clean, so Blake wasn't speaking to her. She was on her very last pills, her trembling body was a reminder of how her time was running out. Two pills were all she had left.

Whilst the lack of pills in her pocket was stressing her out, it wasn't the cause of her extreme paranoia. The voices in her head had grown to the point where she could no longer hear herself. They consumed her every thought, her every move and her every action. Everything she did was fueled or tainted by the voices, she was merely slipping away.

She was like a walking corpse.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

"Have you applied?" Lydia's mom asked me with wary, narrowed eyes.

"Uhm, yeah, I applied for early entry." I mumbled with a nod.

"You know Aires, you could have graduated two years ago."

"I know."

I didn't want to leave my friends, however, with all the things that had happened over the past two years the best thing would have probably been for me to graduate then.

"Have Stiles and Scott applied for college yet?" She asked, making a void in my chest ache.

"I wouldn't know." I barely muttered under my breath.

"What happened to you all? You used to be best friends. You and Stiles were inseparable, you and Lydia were inseparable."

Me and Lydia weren't allowed to be in the same room.

Me and Stiles had hurt each other so badly.

Me and Scott hated each other.

A lot had happened.

"I guess we've all just grown apart." I offered helplessly, rattling off the same excuse I told everyone else.

"Well, you've got a few classes to finish up for extra credits but apart from that all of your mandatory classes are wrapped up. You're only going to be in two days a week for the rest of the year and even then you can do those classes at home. Are you excited for graduating? It's only three months away- give or take."

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