[chapter thirty one] shatter me

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Aires pov...

All hell had broken loose.

Screams pierced the air, whilst blood coated the floors. Death surrounded me. Innocent people, dead. What was supposed to be a happy night had turned into a nightmare.

A nightmare I had to fix.

"Get everyone and get out." I whispered to Stiles before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

I needed him far away from me, as far away as he could go. I saw myself as a monster, I didn't want him to as well. I wanted him to still see the girl he believed I was, not a killer filled with darkness.

I also needed him far away because, truthfully, I didn't know what was going to happen. Hundreds of people were being murdered, Kate was roaming the halls, I was walking into a masacre blind. Lydia's warning replayed in the back of my head, haunting me. She still believed I was going to die, she just didn't know when.

It could happen at any moment, it could happen the second I stepped out. I couldn't bear the idea of Stiles having to witness it.

"I'm not leaving you, Ree-"

"You have to go! Please!"


I knew he wasn't leaving, he would never leave my side. And I both loved and hated him for it in that moment.

I had to go down there, I had to go and help. I was at the top of Kate's list, she would settle for just me, right? She wanted me dead the most, so she would settle for taking my life, she had to. I was worth one hundred million dollars, I was worth the most.

I was ready to sacrifice myself, to give up my life if it meant there would be no more blood loss. I couldn't risk losing anyone, I couldn't risk anyone else dying because of me.

Slowly, I pushed my lips back onto Stiles. My hands gently caressed his cheeks as I pulled my body as close to his as I could. I didn't know what the outcome of the night would be, but I knew I still had one thing left to do.

"I love you." I whispered as our foreheads rested against each other's. "I love you Stiles Stilinski, I've always loved you."

Tears burned in my eyes as I clung onto his hand, soaking up as much comfort from him as I could. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice. I was born with an extraordinary gift. I could do bad with it, but I could also do good with it.

Deep down, I knew I wasn't a good person. I never had been and never would be, so there was no point in pretending I was a hero. However, I didn't want to be selfish. I knew I would never be happy, I would never get the life I wanted.

So dying to save others was a price I was willing to pay.

"I love you, Stiles. I love you so much." My voice broke as a tear slid down my cheek.


"No." I whispered with a small shake of my head. "Tell me after this horror is over, tell me when we aren't dealing with this nightmare, tell me later, under the stars."

With a small smile, I slipped out of his hold and quickly descended the stairs. I didn't know where I was going, I had little information. But I had an endgame.

Kate fucking Argent wasn't going to live.

She was the benefactor. She ordered the assassins. She caused all of this. She lit the fire. She was the reason my family was dead. She was the reason Peter bit Scott.

She started it all.

A strong hand wrapped around the top of my arm and tugged me into a room, bringing a small gasp from my lips. With wide eyes, I spun on my heel, only to come face to face with Lila.

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