[chapter fifty four] is this a nightmare or reality?

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Aires pov...

An empty expression was the first thing I saw as I glanced in the mirror, followed with dead eyes, and dark circles. Despite the blank look on my face, a hint of rage seemed to linger underneath the surface, a small speck of anger that you could only catch if you stared a little too long.

I had never done well with my emotions, feeling them, understanding them. I was excellent at compartmentalising, at pushing everything away, I was the type of person you wanted in a crisis. I thought with my head and not my heart.

However, the emotions I allowed myself to feel bordered on rage and disgust, so dealing with a shattered heart wasn't something I knew how to do.

I buried myself in drugs, partied until my body caved, escaped in every form possible. I didn't know how to deal with the fact that I was no longer with the boy whose soul was embedded in mine.

"Ree!" Chris screamed as he pounded his fists on the door. "Your bowl of strawberries are on the counter, you're leaving in ten minutes so hurry the hell up."

With a roll of my eyes, I forced a smirk onto my lips and threw open the bathroom door. "I'm ready."

A soft sigh slipped past his lips as he gave me a knowing look, one that made my stomach churn in an uneasy way. "Aires, you don't have to go, sweetheart. Say the words and you can stay home."

"I can't, I have to go to school, Chris. If not, I'll end up going insane in my room. I need to go to school, Lydia would want me to go to school. And besides, I'm fine." A lie concealed with a smile.

With a playful roll of his eyes, he threw his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. "If you want to leave at any point today, call me."

"Okay." I hummed before slipping out of his embrace and forcing a smile onto my lips. "Put the strawberries in the fridge, I'll grab something at school. Love you!"

I couldn't be in the house any longer, it was suffocating me pretending to be perfectly fine. A bitter breeze slapped my cheeks bringing a small gasp from my lips as I hugged my leather jacket closer to my body. A tight crop top, mini skirt, leather boots, and leather jacket clearly was the wrong outfit choice, however, I looked fucking amazing so a little bit of cold air was just something I would have to deal with.


Oh my god.

Every inch of my body suddenly came alive as I slowly turned my head to see Stiles leaning against the jeep with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at me in a way that shattered my heart and ignited my soul all at once.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a curious frown as I slowly walked towards him.

Soft laughter tumbled past his lips as he fought a smile off of his face. "Giving you a ride to school."

"A ride?" I challenged with a smirk.

"Ree." He groaned with a playful roll of his eyes. "God, do you have to make everything sound so dirty?"

"You make it so easy."

This. This is what I missed. This is why we had to break up.

We were suffering by forcing ourselves to be together when we knew we had to be apart, our friendship was suffering. Standing in front of the boy I was certain I would love for the rest of my life, I couldn't help but feel relieved that he could still smile at me, that we had not been completely destroyed.

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