[chapter twenty six] haunting crimson red

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As the sun began to rise, Aires forced herself to detangle her body out of Stiles' hold. For the first time in days, she had finally been able to sleep. No nightmares, no screaming, no thrashing about.

She had managed to have a peaceful night of sleep. And it had everything to do with the boy lying beside her.

"Ree, no." Stiles grumbled whilst tugging the girl back into his arm. "Sleepy, sleep."

With a roll of her eyes, the girl attempted to wiggle out of his hold, only to be pulled back into his chest yet again. "Myst." She whined. "I have to go, the sun is rising."

"Five. More. Minutes." The boy slurred whilst placing kisses all over Aires cheeks. "I'm never letting you go. Ever. Ever. Again."

A small smile crept onto her lips, however she quickly forced it away. Grinning like an idiot was something Aires found herself prone to whenever she was around the boy. She loved it and loathed it all at once.

Only a fool grins at a boy, especially one that has the power to break her heart.

"Wait." Stiles mumbled as his lips brushed over her neck. "What happened to your neck? The bruises..."

He still didnt know.

He didn't know about the attack in the woods, the attack in the apartment, the fact that Aires had been in the fire. There was so much that Stiles had yet to find out.

"Assassins. They broke into the apartment and attacked me, they also set the fire. I was in it the same night you were attacked at the hospital." She whispered whilst mindlessly tracing the cut on the boy's cheek.

They had both been attacked, both almost died and both been through hell. Through the midst of all the revelations of Aires' true family, the assassin attacks had increased and become more dangerous than ever. They weren't just attacking to weaken, they were attacking to kill. And they weren't aiming for indivalson the list, they were trying to kill multiple birds with one stone.

Apart, they were vulnerable and were at risk. But together, the chances of an abush would skyrocket. Leaving them with little to no options.

"Wait- You were in the fire?" His voice broke as tears welled in his eyes.

He could've lost her- he almost lost her. And he had no clue. Stiles had been completely oblivious to it all. The one night he didn't sleep outside her bedroom door, her life was almost taken in the apartment. The one night he wasn't sitting inside waiting for her to return home. The irony wasn't lost on him.

"Yeah." Aires whispered back. "But I'm okay. I'm fine. Lila saved me. And besides, you should see the other guys, they are much worse off."

"How so?" Stiles shot back as a grin tugged on the corners of his lips.

His hand wrapped around the girl's back, drawing her body close to his as he sat up. Just like Aires, Stiles had barely managed to sleep without the girl. Nightmares plagued him, dreams full of terror and images of the Hale potentially dead.

He couldn't sleep unless she was in his arms.

"Well the last I saw them they were all piled up on the floor, covered in their own blood. They had guns and all kinds of weapons, yet they barely lasted a minute thanks to my mind."

In a blink of an eye, Stiles crashed his lips onto the Hales. His hands dove into her hair whilst Aires hands roamed across his back. No matter what, they always seemed to find their way back together. Summer after summer, Tragedy after tragedy, Aies would leave with the intention of no return. Yet she always somehow found her way back to Beacon Hills. To the town she loved and loathed all at once.

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