[chapter fifty two] the eyes of a stranger

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Aires pov...

I hated the world I was born into.

Once, I saw the beauty in it, the never ending possibilities, the good within it. But that all died the night of the fire, when I was forced to face the horrifyingly tragic world I was born into. This world wasn't filled with happiness, magic and adventure. And it most certainly wasn't something I wanted anyone else to be a part of.

As I tip-toed my way through my old childhood home, a knife in hand, I felt a surge of dread fill my chest. This was what my life had come to- what it would always look like.

With every step I took, I could feel them getting closer and closer. There was no indication of who it was or why it was they were in my house, however, the facts were of no use to me. My one and only intention was to find them in this twisted game of hide seek. Maybe I would ask them a question, maybe I would try and pull some information out of them. It didn't matter what I would do when I found them, the result would be the same.

They weren't leaving alive.

My fingers tightened around the grip on my knife as a hint of a smirk crept onto my lips. Adrenaline poured through my veins, bringing a dark part of me to life. I didn't like this side of me, the dark and twisty side, the side that craved the feel of danger. However, it was as a part of me as my name was. I couldn't conceal it forever, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise.

"Boo." The voice taunted, making me spin on my heel and throw my knife directly in the direction of their voice.

A growl left my lips as I saw the blade wedged into the wooden panel on the wall, they were there, I had missed them by seconds, which meant they had to be fast. Very rarely did I ever miss.

Werewolf? Possibly. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that I was in a house with a vampire, someone who would be able to use their senses in a way I couldn't. And it was that suspicion that brought a small flood of anger to my chest. I didn't want to be a heretic, but oh god would it be useful in situations like this.

Another room empty, another hallway empty, another floor quiet. It was like hunting a ghost, they were there but seemingly impossible to find. Slowly, I slipped into the hallway to find bloody handprints scattered on the wall. My eyes narrowed as I brought my free hand slowly up to the wall, lining it up to the hand identical to mine.

What the fuck was this?

What the fuck happened?

What did I do?

"Murderer!" Someone tauntingly whispered from somewhere in the room before taking off.

Their heavy footsteps rang in my ears as I wasted no time running after them, my blade in one hand and my dark knife in the other. My eyes narrowed on the sound of their every breath as I ripped the front door that they attempted to close in my face off of its hinges. Even in the dark, I could sense the fear radiating from their body as they ran for their life through the woods.

The woods were my territory, the place I grew up in, the place I knew better than anyone. A smirk grew on my lips as my feet moved faster than they ever had before. I could faintly see their figure frantically running in the distance, they knew they couldn't outrun me, that's why they dug into their pocket and whipped out a knife. I didn't see their face, it was concealed in the dark, I could barely make out a single detail about them. However, as they slightly tilted their head to the side, I knew I was in for a fight. Their body turned to face me for a fraction of a second before they through their knife with precision so good, I would've been in awe had it not landed in my fucking arm.

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