[chapter fifty eight] sign of the times

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

"Klaus." I muttered in a low, icy tone as I narrowed my eyes on Marcel. "I kept up my end of the deal, now time for you to deliver yours."

A sickening smirk crept onto his lips as he slowly shook his head. "You didn't really think I was giving you Klaus, did you?" He asked with a tut, acting as if I was completely oblivious to his game.

Though what he didn't know was that I was winning.

I already had checkmate in sight.

"Oh really?" I shot back as a hint of a smirk ghosted my lips. "I had no idea."

I watched in excitement as his smile slowly dropped and the sudden panic sunk in his eyes- as he realised what he had just done. He forced me to do dark magic, and then took me into the compound and locked all of his bitches outside, leaving us completely and utterly alone.

Stupid, stupid, stupid man.

The lights above my head gently flickered as I slowly began walking towards Marcel, my plan already in motion.

"Aires." He whispered, suddenly panicked as he began quickly backing away from me.

"We can do this the nice way, or the hard way." I muttered. "Give me Klaus."

"No-" His answer was cut short by an excruciating scream ripping past his lips.

I watched with a small smile as he crumbled onto his knees whilst desperately clutching onto his head. His screams and begs for me to stop fell on short ears as I watched him wither in pain.

Karma really was a bitch.

"You fucked with my mind for months." I hissed. "It's my turn now."

As I began softly chanting under my breath, I studied his frantic movements as he desperately tried to edge away from me. But no matter how far he tried to run, I always caught up. Tears stained his cheeks as blood pooled in his eyes.

Placing a dark curse on Marcel was supposed to be fast and easy- something that would leave him riveting in fear, something that would warn him to stay far, far, away from me. However, as I watched him squirm around, screaming out in pain, I couldn't help but drag the process out.

He had tortured me for months, attempting to drive me towards the edge of insanity. This was my payback, this was his karma. This was how we got even.

For years he would be plagued with the curse, one that would leave him with voices in his head and drive him to the edge of insanity. Slowly, he would feel the pain of everyone he forced me to kill. Eventually, he would become so crazy that he would take his own life.

And to top it off, Marcel would forever be forced to remain in New Orleans. He could never leave.

He wasn't going to come after me, after I placed the curse upon him, he wouldn't dare. That's how I walked away in full confidence after breaking Klaus out of the catacombs, that's how I ensured his safety.

Nobody was going to try and fuck with my mind ever again.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

"Rebekah was the first one of us to go down."

"How?" I whispered whilst glancing over at Klaus.

"A hex."

"She was hexed?"

"Yes. She was staked and it was hexed. Freya had to put her to sleep first, it was the only way of stopping her from killing herself- or Hope."

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