[chapter thirty seven] aires. aires. aires.

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Mexico was different to what Aires expected.

Big chandeliers, endless marble stairs, a secluded mansion in the middle of a desert. It couldn't be further from what she had originally thought, and even further from what Beacon Hills was like. There was no rain, no trees, just empty space.

"So, moving on..." Ester mumbled with a roll of her eyes as she fought to get the girl's attention. "They will be coming after us, this war isn't over. If we're going to rule the supernatural world we need to show everyone who's in charge, we need to show them exactly what we are capable of."

With a roll of her eyes, Aires moved her attention to the room around them. To the walls and the intricate patterns carved into them, the ivy that hung by the windows, and the large bookcase that sat depressingly in the corner. It was obvious that nobody had been in the building in years, and Aires couldn't help but notice its wasted potential.

So beautiful, and yet so ruined.

It could've been so much more...

"Tate, are you listening?" Ester snapped, earning another eye roll from the Hale.

"No." She bluntly shot back. "If you don't have anything useful to say then don't bother opening your mouth. You're wasting my time and boring me."

Biting back her anger, Ester shifted in her seat with her eyes narrowed on the girl. Over time, her hold on Aires had slipped, what little control she once possessed was now gone. It was becoming abundantly clear to not only her, but also to everyone else around them.

"Look, we have a plan, one that is now falling into place."

"Thanks to me." Aires mumbled under her breath.

"Yes, Tate. Thanks to you. You are our greatest weapon- our strongest leader. They will arrive- and when they do, we have to be prepared. We have witches, they have werewolves, and we can't afford for their wolves to start biting our coven. We can't afford to lose anyone. We have the numbers, but they have the strength, they have alphas, hunters. Scott is a true alpha, Kira is a kitsune, Derek-"

"Is dead." The girl bluntly snapped.

Deafening silence filled the air as both Ester and Kate stared eyes wide at the Hale. Her words replayed in their heads as they tried to process what it was that had just come out of her mouth. Derek, her brother, the one they tried to keep away from her...

"Wha- what?" Kate muttered whilst nervously shifting in her chair.

"Derek is dead. As is Braeden, and someone called... Cora? Two vampires, brothers I assume- they bickered like them."

Shock and betrayal swam in Esters eyes as she recoiled away from the girl. She had left The Society without informing someone, she had conducted her own massacre- she was becoming reckless, unpredictable.

"Dereks dead?" Kate whispered as tears burned in her eyes. "He's really... gone?"

"Yes." The Hale snapped with a roll of her eyes. "I'm the one who ripped his heart from his chest so I would know."

"Oh my god."

Urgency filled Esters eyes as she gripped the edges of her chair. "Klaus and Elijah, the vampires?" She nervously muttered.

"Hearts gone as well." Aires shot back in a sing-song voice.

It wasn't the fact that she had killed Klaus and Elijah that scared her, she knew they would come back, they were originals after all. It was the fact that Aires had done it without a second of hesitation, she had managed to take down two original vampires, a hunter and a werewolf all on her own. She didn't need The Society to help her rule- she didn't need an army. She held the potential to be a leader all on her own. The Society were dispensable to her, that's what scared Ester the most.

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