[chapter fifty] shatter me

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Aires pov...

Standing beside Lydia outside the school busses, I couldn't help but feel extremely out of place. Much to Scotts belief, I didn't cause that evil scene at the van, Tracy did. Tracy who was stuck in a night terror so strong she had gone on a violent killing spree.

"We find Tracy, and save her." Scott said whilst meeting everyone's eyes but mine. "Look I know we're all tired and miserable- except for you."

Mason stood to the side with wide eye filled eyes, practically grinning as he threw his arm around Liam. "Oh, I'm sorry. This is all just mind blowing."

His excitement was like a slap to the face as I watched his smile grow. We were all once that excited of the unknown, excited to be a part of a world nobody else knew about. But what nobody told us was that this wasn't a world filled with magic, adrenaline and new discoveries. It was filled with death, pain and suffering.

Both Liam and Mason were in Sophmore year, the same year Scott got bitten. They were now stuck in a world with never ending tragedy, and seeing a smile on both of their faces stung. Their once happy eyes would soon be filled with the grief of everything they have lost.

After all, nobody truly makes it out of this type of world alive, a part of you dies.

"I mean you're a kitsune!" He exclaimed whilst pointing to Kira. "And you!" All eyes turned to me as Mason excitedly bounced my way. "You're the freaking Eve Witch, the most powerful witch in the world. You're a freaking legend. Its- its awesome."

It was a curse.

"Liam." Scott hissed with a small shake of his head. "We said you could tell him, not invite him to the inner circle."



A small smirk tugged on my lips as I leant over to the frowning boy. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not in the inner circle either."

My snarky remark hit Scott exactly the way I wanted it to. I watched with a smirk as hurt filled his eyes, recoiling away from my words as if he had been slapped hard across the face.An eye for an eye, he hurt me so I hurt him back.

I wanted to be the bigger person, to not let him get to me. But I underestimated the depth of his words, just how deep they would cut me. A part of me longed for my best friend, longed for our friendship. However, some things just couldn't be saved.

We were one of them.

"We find Tracy." Scott whispered with a nod whilst holding my eyes. "She's stuck in a night terror, she doesn't know what she's doing. She can still be saved."

"How do you get to go about determining who's worthy of being saved and who isn't?" I hissed as my hands balled into fists.

The deafening roar of silence filled the air as I stared back into eyes I once found comfort within, as I stared back at the person who I would still do anything for- yet he wouldn't give me even a little understanding.

"I guess they're worthy of being saved if they aren't me, right?" I whispered, watching as tears filled his eyes. "If they aren't evil?"


I wasn't giving him the time of day anymore, I was done with him- done with them all. Turning on my heel with a roll of my eyes, I ignored all of my friends' calls.

Screw them all.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

Stiles pov...

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