[chapter fourty seven] the euphoria of nothingness

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Aires pov...

Everything was silent.

There were no voices.

No guilt.


Just silence.

A hint of a smile ghosted over my lips as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. For the first time in years, I didn't hate what I saw. I didn't feel a burning loathe, my heart wasn't filled with complete and utter hatred. I wasn't Aires Hale, the girl surrounded by death. I was just me.


With a small sigh, I quickly flipped my hair over my shoulder whilst bringing my nose closer to the lines scattered on the bathroom counter top. Not the most sanitary but then again it wasn't like I could go home and do this shit.

Just yesterday I had a whole different mind set, get clean. That was my number one priority. It was the only thing on my mind.

One day in this town and I've already given up. I just didn't want to- couldn't do it. There was no point in trying. And deep down I knew I was going to spiral either way. I wouldnt say i'm suicidal, but some times I hoped that the drugs would be a loophole, that some how they would kill me, end everything. And maybe then I could finally be at peace.

I would never find peace as long as I was alive, that became completely impossible after Allison.

If anyone could save me, it would be her.

But she was dead.

And here I was.

"Dude." Rhys slurred whilst shoving open the door and stumbling into the bathroom. "I just hooked up with the hottest girl ever, big boobs, fucking amazing eyes, and god her voice. Now that's the kind of voice that could bring a man to his knees."

A grimace spread across my face as I playfully shoved him before jumping onto the counter. "What was her name?" I asked with a smirk on my lips, already knowing what his answer would be.

"No fucking clue." He slurred with a shrug.

"Blonde, brunette, redhead?"

"Not a fucking clue Ree. She was hot, that's all I remember."

"Of course you don't, Rhys. I think my name is the only girl's name you remember."

"And my Moms!" He shot back defensively.

"Ew. Lets not talk about your Mom when we are talking about you having sex."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you getting any?" He mumbled with a waggle of his brows.

It wasn't suggestive.Me and Rhys were completely platonic, we had been since we met. However, that didn't stop him from playfully flirting. Though I didn't entertain him when he did.

I would never, ever do that to Stiles. Even though I wasn't exactly sure what we were.

"Rhys, you need to make some friends."

"I have you!"

"Exactly, you need to make some more. And for your information my sex life is great, thriving now that I'm back in Beacon Hills."

"So the boy, he and you good?"

Hesitation lingered on the tip of my tongue, and I wasn't exactly sure why. Me and Stiles were great, I was back and he seemed happy about it. And yet there was something that stopped me from answering Rhys question with a yes.

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