[chapter twenty two] insanity, insanity, insanity

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'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

A bitter metallic taste filled the girl's mouth as she slowly stirred awake, fading back into consciousness. A faint ringing sound filtered through her ears, bringing a small wince from her lips.


It was the last thing she could remember. She was being chased by somebody who wasn't alive, who was dead.

And it was real.

"Aires sweetheart." Natalie Martin whispered whilst pushing the girl's hair out of her face. "Aires it's okay, you're okay."

But it wasn't okay. She was running, she could feel everything, touch everything. She wasn't stuck in a nightmare, or a memory. She had somehow accidentally crossed the barrier to another supernatural world, the one where the supernatural dead were, the other side.

"No. No. No. No. No." She mumbled, panic lacing her voice as she forced herself to sit up. "I need- Oh my god."

"Aires, its okay, your safe-"

"Stiles." The Hale choked out as tears burned in her eyes. "I need Stiles."

Her Stiles.

"I have to go back, another student just fainted."

"Wait, what?"

As Natalie began gathering her things, Aires' eyes drifted around the room, taking in her surroundings. Something felt off. The second her eyes fell on an unconscious Coach, a gasp flew past her lips. He looked sick, on the very brink of death.

"What happened!" She demanded as she shot out of her seat and raced towards her favourite teacher.

The faint stench of whiskey wafted through the air, bringing a small sigh from the girl. Pain pricked at her chest as she slowly sank down beside the man, placing a reassuring hand over his.

"He relapsed." She whispered to herself as the realisation sunk in.

"I have to go, I'll be back to check on you soon."

A sorrowful smile tugged on the girl's lips as she fell against the wall and allowed her eyes to flutter close. It wasn't a secret that Coach was a recovering alcoholic, he had shared the information with the Hale one time when she was helping out at lacrosse practice.

Eight years he had been sober, eight whole years.

"It's okay." Aires whispered. "It's okay that you relapsed, things happen. But that doesn't mean everything's ruined. You can start again, you beat it."

Three and a half months clean and Aires still struggled. Some days were worse then others, some days relapsing was the only thing on her mind, tempting her to go back to the dark side. But then some days the burning desire for a high that plagued her body didn't burn as bad.

However, the urge was always there.

'✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚.

With another student passing out, it had become quite clear to everyone that something serious was taking place in the school.

The classroom had officially gone into lockdown, offering no information to everyone, nothing to ease their panic. The PSATS were cancelled, and they weren't allowed out of the classroom. But, people weren't also allowed into the classroom.

"You don't understand! She's out there somewhere, she doesn't have a clue what is going on and she may be one of the people affected by it!"

"Stiles, you have to stay in the classroom. Aires will be fine-"

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