Chapter Thirty Five - Heart Of Darkness

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As the Bad Batch  began their search for Crosshair, Crosshair had already begun cementing his position within the League Of Villains. Many within the League of Villains, including the Shadow Dogs, distrusted Crosshair. Despite this, Crosshair proved himself to Shigaraki by providing with information about the current status of the Hero Association. One day, Crosshair was granted an audience with Tomura Shigaraki. 

Shigaraki: Crosshair. A lot of people here don't trust you. 

Crosshair: I could care less what they think. 

Shigaraki: I think it's about time you showed them your devotion to our cause. 

As Shigaraki said this, Crosshair took a few steps towards Shigaraki. The two locked eyes for a moment. 

Crosshair: Who's the target?

Shigaraki then shows a picture of an elderly-looking man wearing traditional Japanese armor with a red cape wrapped around his torso. 

Crosshair: Yoroi Musha. The Number 9 Pro Hero.

Shigaraki: I want him dead. 

Crosshair: It won't be a problem.

Shigaraki: The Shadow Dogs will be accompanying you on this mission. 

Crosshair: They'll only get in my way. 

Shigaraki: The Shadow Dogs are the ones who doubt you the most. You kill this Pro Hero and maybe they'll begin to trust you. I want you to send a message to the rest of the Heroes. 

At this point, Crosshair could see that Shigaraki had already made up his mind. With his mission given, Crosshair met up with the Shadow Dogs. 

Swordkil: So Shigaraki put you with us? 

Crosshair: Stay out of my way and there won't be a problem. 

Swordkil: This isn't the 99, Crosshair. I run this squad. 

As Crosshair and Swordkil stared each other down, there was an uneasy silence between the two. Soon enough, Crosshair and the Shadow Dogs made their way to the Hero Agency of Yoroi Musha in the dead of night. Crosshair surveys the office building with his sniper rifle. 

Crosshair: Target is in the building. I see multiple sidekicks. 

Swordkil: Guess it's showtime. Time to see if you're really all in, Crosshair. 

Crosshair said nothing as he took aim with his 773 Firepuncher Sniper Rifle. Without hesitation, Crosshair open fired on the sidekicks, taking them out one by one while the Shadow Dogs stormed the office building. Chaos erupted in the entire building as the Shadow Dogs swarmed the building. The inexperienced sidekicks were unable to stand against the Shadow Dogs. Once the Shadow Dogs reached the door to Yoroi Musha's office, Crosshair entered the building and made his way to the door. 

Swordkil: About time you showed up. Thought you bailed on us for a second. 

Crosshair said nothing as he shot the hinges off the door. As he kicks the door, he sees Yoroi Musha and a group of his sidekicks. 

Crosshair: Yoroi Musha. 

Yoroi: Crosshair. 

Crosshair: I hope you've made peace with your maker, Hero. 

Yoroi: How disappointing to see you like this, Crosshair. I had respect for the Bad Batch.

Crosshair: It won't safe you. 

Yoroi: Then I will do what I must! Everyone! Let us vanquish these Villains!

With that, Yoroi Musha and his sidekicks battled against Crosshair and the Shadow Dogs. Yoroi Musha used his Telekinetic Throw Quirk to attack the Shadow Dogs. As the battle intensified, the sidekicks were taken down. Despite these odds, Yoroi stood his ground. Just as Yoroi was about to launch another attack, Crosshair shot Yoroi in the shoulders. Yoroi screamed in pain as he collapsed to the ground. Crosshair walked towards the injured Yoroi. 

Crosshair: I want you to send a message to the rest of the Heroes, especially Endeavor. 

Yoroi: I won't do the bidding of a Villain.  

Without hesitation, Crosshair aims his Sniper Rifle at Yoroi's head and pulls the trigger.

Crosshair: I believe you. 

 After killing Yoroi, Crosshair turned his attention to Swordkil.

Swordkil: Not bad, Crosshair. It almost felt just like old times. 

Crosshair said nothing as he turned his attention to the sidekicks. 

Swordkil: What are you thinking?

Crosshair: Sending a message. 

Swordkil: Killing them all is gonna make a lot of noise. 

Crosshair: That's the point. Leave one alive to spread the word. 

As Crosshair said this, Swordkil turned to the frightened sidekicks. While he didn't care whether they lived or died, he knew that the killing of these sidekicks would have a considerable backlash. 

Swordkil: Killing them is a waste of time. The last thing we need is bringing the entire Hero Association on our heads. 

Crosshair: Our orders are clear. Send a message to all the Heroes. Are you telling me that you're not willing to comply? 

Swordkil: You always were an arrogant son of a bitch, Crosshair. You always thought you were better than everyone. But you're not. You're all talk and no bite. 

There was a tense standoff between Crosshair and Swordkil. Crosshair glanced over to the rest of the Shadow Dogs who were ready to aid Swordkil. After a moment odd uneasy silence, Crosshair speaks. 

Crosshair: You want to know why Shigaraki put me in charge of this mission?

Swordkil: No, but I'm sure you'll enlighten me.

Crosshair: It's because I'm willing to do what needs to be done. 

Without hesitation, Crosshair raises his 773 Firepuncher Sniper Rifle and shoots Gunsmith in the head. This display shocks Swordkil and the rest of the Shadow Dogs as they slowly back away. 

Crosshair: Good soldiers follow orders.

With that, Swordkil and the Shadow Dogs did nothing as Crosshair executes all but one of Yoroi Musha's sidekicks. This lone survivor would send the message that both Shigaraki and Crosshair wanted. In that moment, Crosshair has passed the point of no return. 

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