chapter 2

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I'm in my office at the club house when there's a knock at my door. "Come in" I call out.

The door opens I look up to see Parker "Hey prez"

"Knight good to see you brother. How you feeling"

"Pissed off stupid cast can't even ride. Do we know who ran me off the road?"

"The information we have gotten all points to the sinners" I tell him. Parker was ran off the road on our way back from a gun run. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't have gone to the hospital we have a doctor in our MC who normally takes care of us. He's on his honeymoon and couldn't get back. The sinners are a rival motorcycle club who is trying to take over our territory. Our charter 'devil's rayne' has had this territory for over twenty years and I'll be damned if they take any of it over.

"Figured as much. Fucking dick heads."

"So a sister?" I ask him trying to sound nonchalant. I don't think he's buying it by the way he raises an eyebrow at me. His sister is beautiful she's got auburn hair that goes all the way down her back and those green eyes and full lips just pulled me right in.

"Mmhhmm, haven't seen her since I was 15."

"Thats a long time brother. What happend?"

He sighs and takes a seat across from me. "Up until yesterday I thought she just left my parents weren't the best. We didn't have it easy growing up especially pey." There's a story there and I plan to learn it, in all the years I have known knight he never has talked about his past. "What my parents didn't tell me was she was pregant. They told her have an abortion or leave. She left I have an almost 16 year old nephew that I never knew about." He scrubs his hand over his face.

"At least she had the dad to help her" I try to help ease his guilt.

He shakes his head and looks at me "Nope. He didn't want her or the kid. She had help from my aunt and uncle I guess. But she should have had me too. I need to go have a chat with my nephew today I guess he's been getting into trouble."

"If I can do anything let me know. We got the gym if he need to blow off some steam, hook him up with a membership"

"Thats not a bad idea my sister said he's been fighting. I'm not sure the extent of it, but he's anything like his mom and me..." he shakes his head and give a little chuckle

"Your sister fighting? I don't see it"

"Neither did any of the bitches she knocked out. That girl is tiny but she's always been scrappy. I'm surprised she doesn't have a record to be honest."

I just nod my head "have one of the prospects drive you around, wherever you need to go"

"Thanks prez, imma head over to my sister's, she's making me cheese steak I would literally take a bullet for."

"Bring me some" I laugh

He walks out the door and I can't get the image of his sister out of my head, she's a bombshell.

I have to stay away from her for several reasons, she's my VP's sister, I don't do commitment, and I ain't dealing with nobody's kid.

I just need to get laid and get her out of my head, and that's exactly what I intend to do.

I walk out to the common area. There couches a pool table, high top tables with stools, and a bar.

"Hey baby, what can I get you?" Layla, one of the club girls asks. She's been around for awhile and is my usual go to.

"I need a whisky and my cock sucked"

"Anything for you" she purrs while poring my drink. She walks around the bar and grabs my hand we walk to the spare room I use when I want to get my dick wet. I don't bring woman into my room, ever.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now