chapter 20

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I make my way up to Ari's room and knock on her door twice. "come in," I hear on the other side.

"Hey sweetheart, I just wanted to come check on you."

"I'm okay."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her taking a seat on her desk chair.

"I just don't understand why she came here. When I was there she never even paid me any attention. She didn't even know I left until you called her. She cared more about getting high and making whoever is supplying her happy than she ever was me. So why now? Why fight for me now when I have someplace I'm actually happy at?" I see a tear slip down her face.

I stand and go to her pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. Your mom didn't used to be like that I'm not sure when it changed, but I'm sorry I wasn't there to get you out of the situation."

"It's not your fault dad. Can you promise me something?"


"Don't stop fighting for me?"

"Of course not you have a huge family here fighting for you. We all have your back. I don't know if you know this about peyton but she's pretty fierce about her family. She raised eli to be the same way they will always have your back too."

"I'm happy here dad. I don't rember the last time I was truly happy, but here I am. I'm so thankful for all of you."

"We're thankful for you too. I'm happy you found me. I'm going to give you the best life I possibly can. Now get some sleep you have school tomorrow. We're going out to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate."

"Okay dad goodnight."

"Goodnight sweetheart."

"She okay?" Peyton asks me when I enter our room.

"Yeah babydoll. She's fine."

"You're a really good dad babe. I'm sorry you missed so much of her growing up."

"Yeah me too. I just want to be there for her now."

The next day I'm working on a construction sight with a few brothers when I get a call from the school. "Hi is this Mr.Master?"

"Yeah, is something wrong with ari?"

"No sir, this is about Elijah. He said his mom was on shift at the hospital. He gave me your information and said you're his step dad?"

I'm shocked into silence for a minute before I respond, "Yeah, thats right. What's going on?"

"Well Elijah got into a physical altercation today. We need you or dr.Carmicheal to come in for a meeting."

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Thank you Mr.masters. see you soon."

When I walk in the office I see Eli sitting in a chair leaned back with his arms crossed and his feet kicked out infront of him.  I raise and eyebrow at him in question.. he smirks and shrugs.

"Mr.masters?" I turn my attention to the secretary whe she says my name.

"Yes. I was called about Eli?"

"Yes, right this way please."

She leads me back into the principles office with Eli following me.

"Take a seat."  principal Clayton sighs, "mr.masters Elijah got into a fight today with a senior during lunch period."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now