chapter 25

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The morning moves smoothly luca and I prepare breakfast then everyone hung out in the game room until it was time to head to the club.

I let luca and wayne take the McLaren. I drive his mom, ellie, and ari in my range rover. And Eli and locklynn rode in Elis escalade.

Heads turned toward us when we all pulled in the gates. Once were parked luca comes over and opens my door before grabbing ellie out of the back seat. Taking my hand we walk into the club house followed by the kids and his parents.

"Big sister!" Parker smiles brightly pulling me into a hug.

"Little brother. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks for the invite on family vaction by the way."

"Yeah, sorry. Next one. Or you can barrow the plane whenever and not have to go to disney for the day," I laugh.

"Deal." He laughs, "aunt Paige and uncle ty should be here soon."

"Isn't it kind of weird he's coming here?"

"Aunt Paige said family is the most important thing." He shrugs.

"She's the boss," I laugh and nod at him.

"Eli man, when are we hitting the track?"

"Whenever you want to get your ass kicked," my son tells him.

"If I was planning on getting my ass kicked don't you think I'd be asking your mom to race?" Parker raises an eyebrow at him.


"I'll stop over sometime this next week. I need to get in some play time with my neice anyway." He says taking ellie from Luca. "isn't thay right my sweet girl?"

"So when is it your turn brother?" Luca asks him.

"My turn for what?"

"Settle down? Have a family?"

"I got a family prez. Having nieces and nephews is better. I get to hangout with them, have fun. Then give them back to their parents." He winks at ellie."plus I'm too busy picking up all your slack to think about setting down." He means it as a joke but I still can't help the wince along with the sinking feeling in my stomach that his words cause.

Luca hasn't been spending enough time at the club. Sure he goes to work in his office or at one of their businesses but he doesn't spend allot of time here with his brothers. "He'll be here more." I nod at my brother.

He furrows his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"I mean I know me and the kids are taking up allot of his time but I already told him he needs to make the club a priority, you guys are his family."

"Peyton, this club is a family. Which means we have eachothers backs. Before you, luca spent every waking moment here. It's not a bad thing he's spending time away from here just and adjustment. He deserves to be happy. You, the kids yall make him more happy than I have ever seen him."

"He's right baby, you and our kids are the reason for all my good days." Luca says slinging his arm over my shoulder and kissing thr top of my head.

After my aunt and uncle show up everyone moves outside where the food is. There are about twenty members along with their families. Im Sitting at a table with luca, Parker,Paige, ty and the kids when all hell breaks loose. When the roar of engines approach all the members stand and reach for their weapons.

"Get inside" luca screams as shots are fired. Eli scoops ellie in his arms from her high chair and grab locklynn's hand as we run towards the building. I stop dead in my tracks when i feel a sharp pain in my back.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now