chapter 24

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I wake up to find the spot next to me empty. Looking over at the clock I see it's almost ten. After a quick shower I head downstairs to find everyone in the living room.

"Good moring dad," ari pipes up smiling at me.

"Good moring sweetheart," I tell her before speaking to peyton. "I have to head back to the compound and grab my truck. Mom's plane will be landing in a half hour."

"You can take my truck," Eli says from his spot on the couch.

"You don't have plans today?"

"Nope, you think I'm gonna miss out on meeting daddy masters mom?" He winks at me then laughs.

"Such a little shit," I laugh back.

"I made breakfast, your plates in the microwave," Peyton tells me.

"Thank you, baby." I lean down placing a kiss to the top of her head. "You want to ride with me to pick up my mom and wayne?"

"No, I'm going to make sure the guest house is set up and stocked."

After eating I head to the air strip.

"Hi mom," I tell her pulling her into a hug when she reaches me.

"Luca I missed you!"

"It's only been a few months." I laugh and pull away, "wayne," I reach my hand out for my step dad and he pulls me into a hug.

"Hi son, so good to see you."

"You too. How was the flight?"

"Amazing, I have never been on a private plane before. Phillip was so nice. I can't believe peyton owns it. I can't wait to meet the woman who captured ny boys heart."

"She's excited to meet you too so are the kids."

"You get a new vehicle?" Wayne asks.

"No, this is Eli's. My truck was at the clubhouse so he let me take his."

We all pile in the truck after I load their luggage.

"This is where you live now?" My mom asked shocked as we pull up to the gate.

"Yeah, Peyton bought it when she moved here," I tell her as I enter the gate code.

"Wow, it's beautiful."

"We will go to the guest house and drop your stuff off then head to the main house to meet everyone."

"Okay no problem," wayne says.

Once we get back to the main house I call out "baby?" No answer I make my way through the house no hearing them. I open the door to the basement and call out again, "baby?"

"In the theater room," she calls back.

"Theater room?" Mom asks .

"Yeah," I nod.

"Fancy," she smiles.

When we walk down the stairs to the hallway I point out the gym, play room, and arcade. Everyone is in the theater room. The subtitles are playing when we walk in. Peyton turns it off and turns up the light brightness in the room.

"Dada!" Ellie squeals when she sees me and crawls over.

I scoop her up, "Hey princess." I give her a kiss on the cheek before turning to mom and wayne. "This is Ellie," I tell them with a smile and she's immediately taken from my arms by my mother.

"Hello beautiful girl. I'm your grandma and this is your grandpa we're so excited to meet you." My daughter rewards her with a one tooth smile. My mom looks at me. "she's so precious," I see the tears in her eyes. "Okay I know I have a flock more of grandkids and a mother around here I need to meet"

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now