chapter 32

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"Happy birthday, sweetheart." I tell ari when she gets home from school. I was already gone by time she got up for school this moring dealing with an issue at the club.

I do my best to keep my family out of the clubs problems. Over the last year I have turned the club to more legal buisness, I won't risk getting locked up again and missing time watching my kids grow up.

"Thank you dad!" She smiles, "Seb should be here soon. I'm going to change I'll be right back."

Not even ten minutes later I get the notification that someone is buzzing at the gate. When I look on the camera I see it's seb and knight, so I let them through.

"Prez?" Knight holler.

"In the living room"

"Fuck you too little brother." Peyton tells him from the kitchen.

"Sorry!" He yells back.

"I'm happy yall could make it." I tell them when they take seats.

"No big blow out like for eli's party?" Knight asks

"Naw ari didn't want a party. She said she wanted to have family dinner and go out this weekend with this jackass," I flip my hand toward seb who's wearing a smirk.

"Dad, leave him alone. We're not at the club house. He's my guest."

"Actually peyton invited him so he's her guest"

"Leave him alone luca!" she yells.

"She fucking hears everything." I sigh before yelling back "Okay baby!"

Knight being the grown up he is makes a whip sound with the hand motion and I just shrug. Who am I to deny it. I'd do anything for my woman, even sit through dinner with a young man who wants to be my daughters.

"Well he shouldn't have touched you and his face wouldn't be bleeding!" I hear Eli say as he comes into the room with a very pissed off locklynn behind him.

"Eli he didn't mean to bump into me!"

"You fell, his face paid for it." He shrugs taking a seat. "Hey man what's up?" He lifts his chin at me. I can't help but chuckle at his calmness.

"Elijah the fucking hallway was packed."

"Sweetheart, he'll be fine. I don't think you will ever be bumped again," he shrugs


"Yeah?" She asks walking in.

"Get your kid."

She looks around the room at all of our kids, "which one?"

"The dumbass who broke a boys nose because he ACCIDENTLY bumped into me and I tripped in the hallway at school."

"For fuck sake Eli how long is the suspension?"

"Two days mom it's fine I go back Monday." He tells her before noticing Seb in the room "why are you here?"

"Leave him alone Elijah," ari narrows her eyes at him.

" you're too old to be sitting that close to my little sister."

Well fuck me this is gonna be a shit storm. Eli has been wanting to be apart of the club since day one. "I'm sixteen"

"What the fuck daddy masters?" Eli turns his attention to me.

"Calm down eli." I sigh.

"Elijah Parker Carmicheal youre ruining my birthday, I'm about to ruin your face. Maybe locklynn will smarten up and leave you."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now