chapter 33

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The next few months fly by ellie turned one, all the kids are doing well in school, lockynn and Eli are happy as ever, and ari and Seb have gotten really close. I think luca finally accepted his little girl is growing up.

Today is the day I marry luca, with our little girl in a cute white waggon, ari and locklynn standing next to me, eli and Parker next to luca, and all the people we love in their seats.

"Peyton, I knew you were something special the first time I saw you at the hospital baby doll. I never told you I was pissed when you recognized knight before I knew he was your brother. I thought you and him had something. I was jealous I didn't want to think about you and my best friend." He lets out a small chuckle and continues his vows. "There's not another woman in this world who can make me feel the way you make me feel. what you have given me is more than I ever thought I deserved, and I will continue to be the best man I can possibly be for you and our amazing family. Thank you for Ellie, for Eli, for locklynn, for our little angel ryder, and thank you for treating ari like your own since day one."

He pauses a second to wipe the tears coming down my face with his thumbs before continuing. "You have the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known, and I'm so incredibly lucky to be loved by you. We have been through so much together and I'm so happy we are standing here today.  I promise to be faithful to you, love you, and protect you forever baby."

I clear my throat before starting my vows. "Wow, that's gonna be tough to follow," I sniffle. " luca, you're my person. The person I want to wake up to each morning, the person I can talk to about all my problems no matter how big or small and know you're going to do everything you can to make them right, the person I will love until the the end of time became til death is just not long enough. I'm so lucky, to have your love, to have your protection, and to have you by my side as my partner. There is not a word in the world accurately describe my feelings for you, love is just not strong enough. You are my soul mate luca and my forever best friend. You're such an amazing partner, father, and brother. Those lucky enough to feel your love and loyalty thank God each day for it. I know I do."

Taking a deep breath gathering my thoughts before continuing. "Thank you, for being a good role model to eli, thank you for accepting locklynn into our family, thank you for being a wonderful dad to ellie, thank you for bringing ari into my life, and thank you for Ryder, I know our little boy is looking down today at his whole family. I know you would have been an amazing dad to him too. I love you luca masters and I'm going to love you forever, thank you for being my person."

"I love you too baby," He croaks before pulling me in for a kiss.

Jasper who is officiating  clears his throat. "I now pronounce you husband and wife keep kissing your bride." He laughs and everyone cheers.

"I love you Mrs masters." Luca says against my lips

"I love you too, babe."

"Hold up, one more thing!" Eli shouts.

I smile knowing what's coming. Luca looks at me confused before turning to my son who pulls a yellow envelope out of his jacket and hands it to luca. Luca eyes it warily before opening it and starts reading.

He snaps his gaze to eli. "for real?" He asks.

"Yeah, will you officially be daddy masters? I know I'm almost seventeen but you have been more of a dad to me in the last year than my own dad ever was."

Luca pulls eli into a hug.  "of course man, I'd be honored."

The cheers start again, when luca looks back at me with raw emotion in his eyes I fall even deeper for him, I didn't even know that was possible.

The wedding and reception are held at our home. Around one AM luca starts kicking everyone out. He made the prospects stay sober to drive the members back to the club house.

Seb walk over to us as we stand by gate, "congratulations, thanks for inviting me."

"You're family, seb of course you were invited."

"Thank you peyton, you have no idea what that means to me."

"I do, you know you can come to us if you ever need anything. I know luca is your president ,but you're apart of this family too."

"Thank you," he says before hugging me and giving luca a handshake.

"This is what I meant about that heart of yours baby." luca says after Seb walks away. "He's not moving in."

"Obviously luca, he has a home at the club."

"I gave him my house," luca nods.

"When? Why?"

"Yesterday, he's never actually had a home before I think it'll be good for him. He's still at the compound so he's not on his own, but he has his own space. Hes getting patched in next week, we usually dont do it until they are eighteen, but He spent his life in foster homes and on the streets, he's good to our girl, he deserves it."

"Luca, did you think this through?" I laugh.

"What do you mean?"

I just shrug and shake my head. When he realizes he gave his daughters boyfriend a place to whisk her away to and be all alone with her he's gonna flip. I look over at ari in sebs arm laughing and shaking my head again before returning my gaze to luca just in time to see it click. "Fuck no, absolutely not."

"Come on big guy I'm tired and we leave tomorrow for our honeymoon."

"We can't go now peyton, I gave the kid a house to corrupt my baby girl in."

"It's gonna be okay luca."

"No it's not." He shakes his head adamantly.

"Paige and ty will be here, Parker will be at the club it's okay."

The happiness I feel in my heart right now is something I never knew was possible. Looking back at the childhood all the pain and suffering I went through, I wouldn't change it. It brought me to where I am today, it brought me my kids, it's brought me luca and for them I would go through everything a hundred times over.

They say love concers all and I now believe that, luca proved it to me. I spent years alone because I didnt think i deserved love. I saw the way my parents treated eachother, the way Taylor treated me and I thought it was just how it was supposed to be, until luca that is. Now I know what I'm worthy of, what a man does for a woman he loves.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him, and watch our kids grow. I can't wait to see what the future hold for them....

   The End........

but it's just the beginning. Thank you all for reading I'm going to go through the whole story and edit the spelling.

Let me know who's story you want next.
Ari & seb?
Eli & locklynn?
Parker & kallie?
Jasper & his mystery girl?

Go check out Seb and Ari's story available chapters up now 😊

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