chapter 9

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He tried to kill her when she said she wouldn't have an abortion.  I heard Eli say it and it sent a wave of rage right through me. I couldn't go straight to the club house after I left peytons. I find myself at the gym beating the shit out of punching bags. I have to find a way to get rid of some of this tension in my body.

I will kill snake. It's not a matter of if, it is only a matter of when. That when depends on his actions.

I know he's not going to give up whatever hold he thinks he has on them. I have a feeling it has to do with her money. Word on the street is the sinners are going through some financial troubles. Gun and drug suppliers refuse to work with them. They are disloyal. They killed their last supplier and stole the whole shipment.

None of us in this life are good men. Most of us are smarter than that though. If you don't pay the supplier you don't have a supply anymore to make money off of. The sinners got gready and fucked themselves over.

I will do whatever it takes to protect peyton and Eli. They are Knights family which makes them the clubs family.

My phone rings from. The bench.

"Yeah" I answer once I grab it.

"Hey, it's Eli. I got your number out of mom's phone."

"Everything okay?" I feel panic set in for a woman I barley know.

"Yeah, yeah. We're good. I just wanted to say thank you for having my moms back today and for keeping her safe when I wasn't there to do it."

This kids sixteen years old and tries to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. He reminds me allot of myself my dad was an abusive asshole. He hit my mom and me until I got old enough, big enough, to fight back.

"No problem. Let me know if yall have any troubles. There's a few guys outside I'll rotate them through the day there will always be someone there incase snake decides to make a really stupid decision."

That kid is going to get himself in trouble is all I could think after he ended the call.

It's been two weeks since snake showed up at peytons job. I have had men on her around the clock. Snake hasn't made an attempt to approach her ot Eli. I know it's coming though he won't just stop.

My phone pulling me out of my peaceful sleep. The sun has not even risen yet. I loon at the caller ID 'peyton'

"Hey everything okay?" I ask immediately.

"Luca?" I hear the panic in her voice.

"What's going on angel?" I'm out if bed putting on pants before I could get the words out.

"I'm sorry for calling so early"

"Don't apologize. You call me whenever you need me. Can you tell me what's going in please?"

"Nothing really. I'm sorry I woke you up. I shouldn't have called. I just couldn't sleep. The power went out earlier in the storm so it's just got me on edge. I'm sorry go back to sleep." She rambles.

"You dont have power right now?"  Asking myself why she didn't say something earlier.

Probaly because she's feircly independent. Which is the reason she's trying to back pedal right now. She don't want to rely on anyone, but I want her to rely on me. I want to be there for here to make her happy, to make her feel safe.

"No it went out earlier. I don't know why the generator didn't kick on, I thought it was supposed to automatically kick on when the power went out."

"Yeah sweetheart yours is supposed to. Have you had it checked out since you've lived there?" I'm finishing getting dressed becaise I'll be damned if my girl is sitting there in the dark. I know Eli is there and I have a couple prospects outside but I still don't like it.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now