chapter 31

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I haven't been to the club since I was shot. Standing here now in the place my baby was taken from me before I even got to hold him rips a whole in my chest. I'm trying to keep it together. Luca never told me what happend to the people who tore our baby away from us, if I had a guess they aren't breathing anymore and I don't feel a bit of sadness about that.

"Baby?" I hear behind me.

I turn to see luca at the entrance of the clubhouse "Hey."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to come see you. Ellie is with Paige and the rest of the kids are at school."

"Are you bored? He laughs. I nod my head, "come on in you can hangout with me."  I walk over to him and he slings his arm over my shoulder and places a kiss on my head.

"Hey peyton," I hear seb call as we walk in the door.

"Hey seb, how are you?"

"I'm alright." he nods.

"Good, will we be seeing you for Ari's birthday dinner tomorrow?"

He looks at luca then back at me. "I didn't know I was invited"

"Ofcourse you are. Ari should be home from school around four dinners at six be there anytime between then." I smile at him.

"Thank you."

I give him a nod before luca and I continue to his office. "How'd you know I was here?"

"Cameras" He shrugs "What's going on baby? You look sad."

"I don't know."

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" He asks as we sit down on the couch in his office.

"Yeah, babe I know. Why isn't seb in school?" I change the subject not wanting to talk about Ryder right now.

"He got his GED. Kid was living on the street before he came here. "

"Thats horrible.  Im happy he has you and the club. No kid should go through that."

"Yeah, he's a good kid. That's the only reason I let him around ari. It was nice of you to invite him to dinner. He doesn't have any family."

"Luca you know any of your brothers are welcome to our home at any time right?"

"Yeah, baby. It's just after everything I just try to keep the club separate from you. I want you to feel safe."

"I feel safe luca. You make me feel safe."

Lucas office door swings open and Parker storms in "I want a DNA test done as soon as possible. How the fuck did this happen?" My brows furrow as I look at my brother "I have never fucked without a condom. Ever "

"Condoms aren't a hundred percent. Am I gonna be an aunt?"

"Ohh shit. What are you doing here?" He whines.

"You were gonna tell luca before you told your only sister? That's fucked up. I'm kind of hurt actually."

" Well it's not mine so no need to worry. She's fucking crazy. I stop fucking around with her and all the sudden she's pregnant. Yeah fucking right."

"Calm down knight," Luca sighs.

"Why don't you look surprised?" Parker asks him.

"Because she came to me asking for extra shift when I asked why she said she was pregant. I gave her a week to tell you before I did."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now