chapter 19

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The weekend passes quickly, we all went to Elis football game friday then Luca had to be onsight at a construction project the club was working on all weekend.

Its monday moring I'm sitting at the table with Ari and Ellie. Eli  and Locklynn have already gone to school. Luca should be home back home soon so we can get ari enrolled in school.

"You ready for today sweetheart?"


"You sure about the school you picked?"

I offered to send her to a private school if that's what she wanted instead she decided to go to the school locklynn and Eli go. They are both juniors and ari is a freshman but I'm sure they will still cross paths.

"Yeah I'd rather go to school with them "

"Okay no problem."

"Baby?" I hear when the front door opens.

"In the dining room."

"You excited about today kiddo?" He asks ari.

"Who's excited about school?"

"Fair point. Just gotta make the best out of it."  He chuckled.

After we all ate breakfast and I get ellie around we head to the school. I'm greatful to my lawyer who was able to all the paperwork we needed to be able to enroll her even though the DNA results arent back yet.

As we walk with the principle through the school for Arie's tour she's catching allot of male attention, which doesn't suprise me at all. Ari is beautiful. Her blonde curly hair, her father's bright green eyes, and his dimples. She smiles as we walk through Luca on the other hand is giving death stares to the poor boys.

"I think we made the wrong choice. There's an all girls catholic school on the other side of town I think would be a better fit." Luca whispers to me.

"Knock it off," I elbow him.

"Mom, masters," I see my son and locklynn walking towards us as the principal is showing ari around the cafeteria.

"Hey kids how's your day?"

"Well I just had to threaten half the jv football team but fine otherwise."

Locklynn rolls her eyes while luca reaches out to fist bump him ."keep the assholes away."

"Should have sent her to the all girls school" Eli sighs.

"Thats what I said." Luca shakes his head.

Eli holds out his arms, "come here ellie girl." Once he's holding her he gives her a kiss in the cheek. "you're going to an all girls school, I won't be here when you get in school to knock heads."

"There will be no knocking of heads Elijah. Let the girl breath a little."

"She can breath. Them little assholes can just breath in the opposite direction."

"Always the over protective."

"When it comes to my family, yes. She is masters' daughter that makes her family."

"So what do you think?" I ask ari when she approaches us.

"I think I'll like it here."

"Thats great sweetheart." I smile at her I turn my attention to her principle, "she's all set for tomorrow?"

"Yes Dr. Carmicheal, we look forward to having her. Nice to meet you mr.masters."

Everyone is home for dinner tonight, the boys grilled up some food while locklynn, ari, and I made the sides.

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