chapter 17

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"Thank you for lunch peyton," ari smiles at me.

"No problem sweetheart. The kitchen is pretty well stocked with snacks if you get hungry again before dinner. Would you like to take that tour now?"

"Yeah," she nods

"I got clean up and ellie baby," Luca tells me as he stands pulling our girl out of the highchair.

"Thanks babe." I stand and kiss his cheek. "Let's start outside"

When we walk to the back of the house she gasps at the floor to ceiling glass wall with a door in the center "that was exactly what I thought when I first saw it, my son picked this house I just moved in," I laugh.

We walk out the door and come to the pool. "There's a waterfall and a slide at the deap end. The jacuzzi is over there, that's the guest house. My sons girlfriend and her mother used to live there, until the mom passed away. The girl lives here now. Then over on that side can you see those big hills?" I point out the race track and she nods, "that's the race track we have four wheelers and dirt bikes. If you want to learn we can teach you to ride." I smile at her and she gives me another nod. "I'm planning on building a splash pad on that side of the pool for the babies. And over there." I point to an large empty area near the side of the house "I plan on building our own little park there."

We head back inside and go to the basement I show her the now finished gym thanks to luca, the theater room we never use, and the game room. I show her around the main floor before heading to the second floor. I point out everyone's rooms then let her choose from the remaining three. "Wow, all this for me? It has its own bathroom."

I nod, "It's all yours. Tomorrow we'll go get you everything you need. I have some extra toiletries I'll bring for tonight but you can pick out whatever you like tomorrow."

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a kid who shows up out of the blue saying I'm the kid of the man you are with and you just say okay and want to take me shopping?"

"Well... ummm. I guess that's just the way I am. You'd assume looking at my life now that I had a good childhood, that's not the case. Hard honest moment?" I ask her and she nods "my parents were , still are, addicts. They weren't nice. They did things and let other people do things to me that should not happen to anyone. I basically raised ny little brother, you might have met him already he's apart of the mc, knight?"

"Yeah met him."

"Well I wasn't able to give him the life he deserved. I worked my ass off became a doctor and here we are. I just want every kid to feel love and not have to worry about the things I did growing up."

"My moms on drugs too," she looks down at her feet.

"I'm sorry I know it's hard. If you ever want to talk about it I'm here. I know what you're going through and whatever you say will stay between us. I promise."

She wraps her arms around my waiste, "Thank you peyton."

"You're welcome sweetheart." I hug her back. "I meant what I said earlier you are welcome here for however long you want to be here."

"I think I want to stay i dont feel safe with my mom. I have only know yall for a few hours and i already feel a million times safer, but my mom said she'd call the cops."

"Don't even worry about that sweetheart. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. So when i got kicked out of my parents house because I was pregant , I went to live with my aunt and uncle. Long story short about a year ago my uncle got a job here. He's the police commisoner.  So no need to worry. Even if he wasn't, money always wins, just so happens I have a fuck ton of it." We both laugh.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now