chapter 6

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The repairs on the guest house only took a week. Locklynn and her mom are officially moved in. Locklynn insisted on paying rent we settled on one hundred dollars a week. I wasn't keeping the money it all went into a savings account when she graduates I'll give it all back to ger for college.

It's my son's sixteenth birthday. The quads and dirt bikes just got delivered to the track, the chefs are prepping in the outdoor kitchen. Everything is set up and ready to go. Guests will be arving soon.

Eli walks in the kitchen "happy birthday baby boy, i cant belive you're sixteen already." I'm getting teary eyed.

My son pulls me into his embrace "thanks mom, I love you"

"Love you too kiddo. Can you go make sure the chaging rooms by the pool are open please. I don't want anyone in the house."

It's not that I didn't trust my kid's friends. I just didn't want my home destroyed. On top of that I didn't know who was all coming. There are bathrooms and changing rooms by the pool and all the activities are outside so no point in anyone being inside. I head put the front door locking it behind me and look at sign directing party goers to the back yard I'm so grateful to be able to give my son the party he deserves. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of motorcycles I turn and see atleast twenty of them pulling in.

I see my brother getting off a bike right behind Luca "Parker what the hell. You're supposed to be in a walking boot"

"Calm down sis it'll be okay"

"It absolutely will not be okay." I scowl at him.

"Hey peyton, thanks for inviting us" Luca smiled at me and wow I wasn't even mad anymore.

I don't think I ever saw a smile like that it gave me butterflies. "No problem you guys should head on back. Elis out there, the chefs just started cooking, the dj should be here soon, but there drinks out there and the race track is ready to go. Don't worry paramedics are already here and I'm a doctor if anyone gets hurt. Just try not to. And don't forget to sign the liability waver before you touch anything. Larry's back there by the track with the papers if yall wanna ride."

"Larry?" Luca questioned

"The lawyer who has the hots for my mom." I hear my son say from behind me.

I look over my shoulder and mean mug him "that's not even true. Hes my lawyer I literally paid him to be here eli."

"Doesn't really matter anyway. Yall would never work he's a pussy. Wouldn't even get on a quad. When I asked him why, he started listing off a bunch of injury staticts. Had to just walk away. He's too boring for you mom."

"Well thank you my son the match maker." I laugh

"Someone's gotta do it, can't have you alone forever."

My jaw drops "don't you have something to do?"

"Yeah, who wants to race?" I go to raise my hand "not you mom, I already told you, not on my birthday you can go second heat."

I roll my eye "Okay let's go race before everyone starts showing up."

We get down to the track "quads or dirt bikes?" My brother asks

"Dirt bikes" Eli and I day in unison.

"Holy fuck this is like a professional track" one of the guys say.

"It is one, well not officially but it's built the same as one." I tell him

"I can't wait" He laughs

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now