chapter 4

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"Hey mom, were going to return our shoes then we can take off."

"Okay hunny." I turn towards locklynn "do you have your permit sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I got it before mom got sick"

"Do you want to drive?"

"I don't know. I'm not very good."

"Thats okay, you'll do fine. Come on" I stand up and pull out cash to give for a tip.

The boys are already in the parking lot when we walk out all the boys thank me and give me a hug

"You guys get home safe. Come on Eli were giving locklynn a ride home" I pull out my keys and hand them to her. Thankfully we brought out the range rover tonight so there more seats.

Locklynns driving is good, we pull into a familiar trailer park and my eyes go wide. "This is where you live?"

She chews her lip embarrassed "yeah" she sighs.

"Ohh sweetheart  I didn't mean it like that. This is where I lived growing up too. It's a long walk from the bowling alley though."

"Only takes about an hour"

She pulls up to her trailer which happens to be only a few down from the one I used to live in "do Carl and Mandy still live over there?"

"Yeah along with whoever else is always over there. You know them?"

"Used to. They're my parents"

And I see it click "I'm sorry"

"Nope. No need to apologize I got out and made a good life for myself. You can do the same." We both get out of the car I give her a quick hug "if you need anything you call I'll have Eli send you my number"

"Thank you peyton that means allot"

"You know I'm a doctor so if your mom need anything you can call for that too"

"I appreciate that, more than you know"

I get back in the truck and let Eli get in the driver's seat "so this is where you grew up?"

"Yep. Right there." I point to the run down trailer. "Let get out of here."

"That was nice of you to hang out with locklynn and give her a ride home."

"It was nice of her to tell you what was going on with jess."

"Yeah, she's a nice girl"

"You like her?"

"Maybe, is that dumb?"

"No. I think she's a genuine person. I don't think she's anything like Jess. Did you know her birthday is tomorrow?"

"No I didn't, we're not really friends mom"

"I invited her and her mom over for dinner. She's working two jobs to pay the bills while her bum ass brother trys to scam people and her mom is sick."

"We should give her a good birthday."

"I was thinking about buying her a car." I tell him when we're at a red light.

"A car? You just met this girl mom. I was thinking like hitting up Walmart and getting her some candles or something"

"She reminds me of myself Eli. She walks to work everyday she deseves better"

"Okay let's hit up the car lot. What are you thinking?"

"I don't know something cheap on gas and reliable."

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