chapter 15

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"What the fuck do you mean she was taken? You didn't fucking stop him from taking my mom? I thought you loved her! You said you would protect her and you just let someone walk away with her?" Eli screams

I sent him a text to meet me at the clubhouse after I held church to tell everyone what was going on. Knight was holding ellie in the common area while I was talking to eli and locklynn in my office.

"Eli he was using her as a shield. Ellie was right infront of her. If I took the shot and missed i could have killed either of them."

"It doesn't matter now does it you let him take her and signed her death warrent."

"No, I'm going to get her back, I love your mother with my whole heart Eli. I will get her back."

"You fucking better. How did she not see him coming?"

"It wasn't snake that took her." My eyes bounce between him and locklynn "it was sam..."

"Sam? My brother?" Locklynn gasps.

"Yes," I nod at her.

"Sorry baby, I'm killing your brother." Eli deadpans. Locklynn looks at the floor ashamed.

"Locklynn, don't blame yourself I know peyton doesn't. She loves you like her own."

"I know," she sniffles.

"When are you going to get her?"

"I have our tech guy looking more into the sinners. I don't want to go in there guns blazing and get her killed."

"He's gonna kill her anyway you know. I should call gramps."

"We are not involving the cops eli."

"Why the fuck not? They took my mom at gun point. He's going to hurt her, he's going to kill her!"

"Eli we can't involve the cops. When, not if, when I get her back. I'm killing them all and I'd rather not spend the rest of my life in prison for it."

"Fine" He sighs "just bring her home, please."

"Eli I'm bringing her home," I assure him. I would walk on broken glass, barefoot, through a fire to get to her. Nothing will stop me from bringing my girl home to me, to her brother, but most importantly to her kids. "Why don't yall head home? I'm sending some guys over for both houses just let them know which one you're in. Or if yall prefer I have a guest bedroom at my house you can stay in."

"No, we're gonna go home." Eli states.

When I walk back into the common area I see knight sitting on the couch holding ellie in his arms and make my way to them. When I hold my arms out knight passes her over.

"Hi baby girl." I kiss her on her chubby cheek.

"Mama" clear as day my baby's first words and the person she's asking for isn't even here.

I failed. I should have protected her better. I should have stopped him from taking her. I should have took some men with me when she called.

"I know baby girl, daddy misses mommy too. She'll be home soon. Save all the milestones for when we get her back please. Mommy might look all nice and sweet, but she will rip daddy's balls off."

I feel a hand on my shoulder I break eye contact with my little girl to see it's Jasper. "We're gonna get her back brother."

"I'm heading home to put ellie to bed. Let me know of you hear anything," all my brothers nod at me.

I don't know how long I have been down here. There's no windows no light no indication at all. I sit with my ankles in shakles changed to wall. the only time I get light is when someone comes down the stairs to 'visit' me. The visits aren't pleasant.

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