chapter 11

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Since the night of my brother's party luca and I have spent every night together.  Except on nights like tonight when I have a shift at the ER. Technically I don't have to work, but I worked my ass off to become a doctor and will not let it all be a waste.

Lucas mom and step dad flew in earlier today. I haven't met them yet, but they are all supposed to come to dinner at my house tomorrow.

Luca: hey baby, I hope you're having a good day at work. Can't wait to see you and kiss that beautiful face.

Me: hey, can't wait to see you either. Busy night.

Luca: I'm sorry baby

Me: it's fine. Talk to you later though got another incoming ambulance.

Luca: okay call me on your break

I shove my phone back in my white coat pocket and head to the ambulance bay.

"What do we got?" I ask as one of the medics hops out of the back holding a baby.

"Infant girl found in a box at the park."
My eyes go wide. "Vitals are good."

"Here." I say holding my arms out. The medic places the baby in my arms "Hi sweetheart. Let's go get you all checked out."

Fuck this baby can't be more than a month old. Why not drop her off at a safe haven.

After tests are ran and a bottle is fed social services shows up.

"Hi, Dr carmicheal, I'm Ellen from child protective services."


"We're looking for a placement for the baby as long as she is all healthy"

"All of the test came back normal, she a little underweight. I would like to keep her over night for observation just incase."

"Okay, here's my card."

"Ellen?" She looks at me waiting "would it be possible to have the baby placed with me?"

"I can look into it if you'd like?"

I look down at the beautiful baby laying in my arms. "Yeah"

"Okay Dr carmicheal. There is an application process though."

"Can I get the number of whoever is in charge of that?"

She hands me a card with a name and number written down. I decide right then and there I will pay whatever I have to to push my application.

Pulling out my phone and calling a man I know probably won't be as open to this idea given his history. I refuse to let this baby live her life in the system that fails most when I have the means to give her a great life.

"Hey baby"

"Hey luca....ummm... are you busy? Do you have a minute to talk"

"What happened peyton? Are you okay?" He sounds panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. A couple hours ago when I told you an ambulance was coming in."

"Yeah baby."

"Well, it was baby."

"Are they okay?"

"Ummm, yeah she's fine. She about a month old. She was left in a box in the park."

"Wow, that's horrible"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to foster her. Maybe adopt her. I know it's allot with us just starting to see eachother. And I understand if you don't want to anymore. I just can't let this baby be bounced around from foster home to foster home with chance she might be adopted some day, or she might never be she could end up someplace horrible and I have the means to stop it."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now