chapter 28

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We officially adopted ellie today. She's ours, forever. Our sweet baby girl has already been through hell in the eight months she has been on this earth.

I'm so greatful for that little girl. I'm so happy she's here and she's ours. Peyton had to pull some strings to make the adoption happen before Christmas. Her last name was changed to masters, and one day hopefully in the not so far off future her mothers will be changed too. I'm already working on getting aris last name changed, and if Eli wanted to take my last name I'd be honored, but I won't push him, he's almost an adult.

The court room was packed during the adoption, peyton asked me to invite the brothers and their families, because they were our family. all of our kids were there along with Paige and Tyler. It was the perfect day.

I find ari sitting on the porch swing after laying ellie down for her afternoon nap once we're home. "Hey kid, what's wrong?"

"Hey dad, I don't know."

"Let's talk about it. You know you can tell me anything right? I'll always be here for you. I'll never judge you."

"There's this boy.." She starts and I cut her off immediately.

"Is he messing with you. Tell me his name."

"Dad, no. Oh my gosh why are you and eli like this?" She burries her face in her hands  "none of the guys at school will even look at me. We have only been there a few weeks and eli already warned them all off."

"Yeah, good kid that eli," I chuckle.

"Not funny dad. I like this boy and he won't even talk to me." She says.

"Let me tell you something sweetheart. If he really liked you, if he really wanted to get to know you, eli's threats wouldn't stop him. I wouldn't have let anything stop me from getting to know peyton. In fact knight was against it and I still did it because I knew she was who I wanted."

"So what I'm not pretty enough for him to want to know me?" I see her eyes fill with tears.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. You are beautiful ari, inside and out. What I meant was, well I guess what I'm trying to say is..... that kids a pussy. Okay? You don't want to be hanging out with a pussy."

"Luca masters, go inside. Ari don't listen to your dad about this stuff he's a caveman. A special type of species." Peyton rolls her eyes at me.

"Baby, I'm just saying the kid won't talk to her because he's scared of her brother."

"Go away luca." she shakes her head at me with a small chuckle. "how about you just leave these kind of talks to me."

"No problem baby doll," I tell her planting a kiss on her head before going inside.

When I walk in the house locklynn and Eli are sitting in the living room. "keep up the good work kid." I pat Eli on the shoulder. "Them boys are terrified." I let out a chuckle.

Ari is only fourteen, she doesn't need a boyfriend right now, that has me with a jail sentence writen all over it.

"Those rich little shits are pussies, I didn't even do anything just shook my head when I saw a couple of them look her way. Word must gave spread fast." He shrugs.

"You realize you're a rich little shit too, right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but I'm not a pussy." he nods his head at me.

"You're ridiculous, is what you are," locklynn tells him. "I don't understand. Why isn't ari aloud to talk to boys? We're only two years older than her and look at us"

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now