chapter 27

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I can't believe today of all days they show up here, at my home, during my son's funeral. After they denied my money and demanded more, they got none. I went up to ellies room she was just getting up from her nap. I'm not supposed to be lifting anything but I need my girls cuddles.

After I changed her I sit down in the rocking chair with her. "Hi, pretty girl. Mommy's sorry I haven't been around much. Mommy's just sad. Your little brother is in heaven now and mommy doesn't know how to deal with that. I still love you so so much sweetheart. It might just take mommy a little bit to get back to myself, just be patient with me." I tell her placing a kiss on her head.

"Mama, mama, mama," she chants.

"Yeah baby Mommy's got you."

"Peyton." I look up and see luca in the doorway. "Baby you know you're not supposed to be lifting anything.'

I guess the one good thing about my parents showing up is I found my voice. "Luca I just wanted to hold my daughter." I tell him trying to keep my emotions at bay.

"I know baby but someone could have got her out of the crib for you, I don't want you ripping a stitch."

"Sorry" I murmur.

"Don't say sorry, my love. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just worry about you that's all."

Ellie starts fussing. "She's probably getting hungry."

"Let's take her downstairs, mom and Paige went a little crazy on the food, thought you did the ordering when it first arrived," he jokes and I can't find it in myself to laugh. He stops me as I start to stand taking ellie out of ny arms. "I'll give her back after you're sitting, you really shouldn't even be walking down the stairs let alone carrying extra weight in your arms."

"Thank you, for today. For what you said."

"No need to thank me baby, I love our son. I will always love our son."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Ofcourse anything," He tells me.

"You're going to make them pay right? For taking our baby from us? I don't need to know details I just need to know there will be justice for him and I don't mean jail."

"Yes, baby they will pay and it won't be fast, I promise. Every single person that had the slightest idea of what was gojng down thursday will pay."

"Good, lets go feed our girl before she gets all hangry." I'm a doctor I made an oath but to hell with the oath when it comes to my kids. I want them to suffer I want them to feel a fraction of the pain I feel loosing Ryder. I know luca and parker will make sure they get whats coming to them.

There's a few people still in the house when we make it to the kitchen, but most everyone is back outside. After getting Ellie some mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, and some green beans we head outside too. Once im sitting in a chair at a table by myself, by choice, luca hands me ellie. "I'm going to make us plates baby, ill be right back."

"I'm not hungry babe," I tell him

He brings his lips to the shell of my ear and whispers, "just eat a little bit, for me baby. I'm worried about you."  He trails a few kisses down the side of my neck and whispers, "I love you."

"Just a little bit. I'm really not hungry," I sigh

He stands up. "Okay baby, if you need anything just holler there's a shit ton of people here more than willing to help."

"Can you grab me a beer?" I ask him.

"You're on pain killers, and alcohol thins your blood. I'm not sure that's a great combination for you right now."

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now