chapter 23

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He left.
I told him to. I said I never wanted him here to begin with. I told him he was only here because of Ari, but that's not true.

I didn't want him to go. I wanted him here with us. The truth is I love luca. I love him more than I ever thought it was possible to love a man. My heart breaks watching him drive away.

I get it. His club needs him, but I need him too. I needed him here. No matter what I have been saying to him I wanted to fix us.

"Hey peyton." I hear behind me as I'm looking out the window in the kitchen at the fading tail lights.

I turn and see locklynn."Hey sweetheart."

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I give her a sad smile. Truth is I'm not sure I will be. Loosing luca is not something I think I'll ever get over. My heart will never be the same, that man, he makes my heart beat different. He makes my sad days happy just with his presence. He makes everything I have went through in this life worth it because it all brought me to him.

"You know you can talk to me right? I know I'm your son's girlfriend but I think we are friends too."

"Thank you sweetheart. I think I just need to process."

"Okay, well I'm here if you ever want to talk about it. You're the strongest woman I know peyton, you've got this."

"Thank you, I'll be fine. I'm happy you're here with us. I'm happy my son has you to love him locklynn."

"I do love him more than anything," she smiles.

"I know, he loves you too."

"You don't think we're too young for love?" She asked me.

"No, I think when two souls recognize eachother the way yours do, I think that is more powerful than anything. You're good for him."

"He got in a fight becaise of me. I'm the reason you're having to pay a stupid amount of money to send us to private school."

"No, that asshole who doesn't know the meaning of the word no is to blame not you. Eli sees it as his job to protect you. I don't blame him for that fight. That jackass deserved it." I tell her honestly.

"He was a fucking asshole."

"He got what he deserved. I'm happy Eli was there to protect you."

"Me too, he's kind of great."

"Yeah, he is,' I tell her with a genuine smile.

"I'm going to head back to bed. We love you peyton. Keep your head up. Masters loves you too you know?"

"I know. He love all of you too."

"We know. He's a good dude. I think he's just having a hard time balancing it all. Give him some time he'll figure it out."

I just nod before she turns and walks back upstairs.

The next couple days we spend time on the beach, have bonfires, went out to dinner, and relaxed. When the plane lands back on the air strip in California I see luca waiting next to his bike. He comes on the plane and starts grabbing luggage and helping Eli load it all into the cars.

"Thank you, Phillip." I smile at my new Steward. I got rid of Tammy, she got one hell of a severance package, but I just couldn't fly with her anymore knowing her and Luca slept together and she was related to Layla. She understood and was greatful I paid her out what she'd make in a year.

"Hey baby." I hear luca say as I step off the plane, "how was vaction?"

"Fine," I tell him as he pulls ellie out of my arms.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now