chapter 13

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"Baby? You girls about ready?" I call up the stairs.

"Yeah babe, just a second."

After we got ellie back to sleep last night. We went to sleep right after. Today we're going to the club house for a couple hours. I have some business to take care of and I want my girls close to me, I have spent enough time away from them.

Peyton walks down the stairs in pretty yellow summer dress and her hair in a bun on top of her head. I take ellie out of her arms when she reaches me "Hi daddy's girl. You look so beautiful today princess" Peyton has her dressed in a pink shirt that says 'princess' in gold lettering and a pink frilly skirt thing. She has a big bow headband on "You gonna come meet all your uncles today baby girl? They are gonna love you." I kiss her chubby cheek.

"Ready babe?" Peyton asks after she has her sandals on and grabs her purse

"Yeah baby, let's roll" I get my girls in the car then get on my bike.
I follow them to the club house. I park right next to her suv helping Peyton out of the car then grabbing ellies carseat and bag then grab peytons hand as we walk inside.

I set the carseat down on a table and pull ellie out of her carseat everyone is staring at us. "Hi baby girl. Did you have a good ride with mommy?" I coo at her

"She loves car rides" Peyton smiles at me and I plant a kiss in her forhead. "Everyone is staring"

"It's okay baby" I laugh.

"Ohhh you brought me my princess." Knight says grabbing her out of my arms "so what's up with you two?"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You guys like together again?"  He asks

I look over at peyton for the answer. She nods "Yeah little brother. We are"

"Good. So what does this mean? You gonna help raise my princess?"

"Yeah" I smile "My little girl is going to have the best life. With a mom, a dad, a brother, and a shit ton of uncles who love her."

"You're turning him into mush already ellie girl" He smiles down at her.

"Don't talk shit about me to my daughter asshole" I laugh.

I leave Peyton and ellie in the company of a couple of the wives that are at the club today. While the men all head to church.

"So you're gonna adopt her with my sister?" Knight asks

"Yeah" I smile

"Well congrats on becoming a dad" He returns my smile "better treat my niece like the princess she is."

I nod "Let's get down to buisness. Anything on the sinners?"

"No" jaspers states "they have stayed away and been quiet. Honestly it's unerving. I think they are up to something."

"Okay we need to keep an eye on them. I want to know the moment it looks like they might even be up to something."

After an hour discussing the different businesses we run and how we can make more money I adjourn the meeting and go to find my girls. The front doors open as we're walking out of  church a group of club girls walk in. I don't give then even a second look as I make my way to peyton.

"Hey baby."

"Hey" she smiles up at me.

A sleepy looking ellie looks up at me and smile "hi princess. Are you being good for mommy?" She coos and I rub her cheek with the back of my fingers.

"Who's this?" Layla asks with her hands on her hips. Staring at ellie.

"Ellieanna" I deadpan

"I wasn't aware she was pregant" she shoots her gaze at peyton.

Luca (Devil's Rayne MC)Where stories live. Discover now